Author Topic: [Idea] Breaking the Walls  (Read 8644 times)

Offline Naviaux

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[Idea] Breaking the Walls
« on: June 08, 2014, 02:38:31 am »
I was reading through some of the background for the upcoming adventure mode for GoI when I came up with the idea.

Now, I by no means think I am a skilled writer (although others say otherwise...), but I thought that it would be a fun project nevertheless.

Basically, my idea is to create a novel based off of Gabriel and his Airship, Icarus. Or mayhaps someone who encountered Gabriel and was inspired to design their own airship.

The reason why I would be naming it Breaking the Walls is because (as it states in the current lore) Gabriel effectively broke down the barriers between factions with the creation of his airship, and flying it through the lands.

Now, I'm not too good at creating a plot (and I do not believe there is sufficient information) for me to paint such a grand story.
That's where you, the community (and hopefully the devs too), come in. I would like your assistance in unfolding the legend of Gabriel.
Why did he want to venture out? How did he come up with an airship? What happened when people first saw it? What happened when he traveled to other lands? What happened to him at the end of his journey?
I look to answer all of these questions, and more, within this novel (that is if people would like to see a novel based around Gabriel, otherwise it may be a different story).

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: [Idea] Breaking the Walls
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 10:06:49 am »
errr doesn't Gabriel die at the end of Flight of the Icarus? Protecting his city from one of the factions that started producing airships for the sole purpose of conquering everyone else or something like that?

Regardless that makes for a pretty good action packed climax and could be used in the story to contrast Gabriel's creation and idea behind it. Gabriel creating his airship for exploration, freedom and rebuilding connections with people, while others saw his creation as a weapon of war.

Interesting idea and i personally would like to see a story around Gabriel, I don't know much about the lore in this game but I think the story of a well intention-ed man traveling the lands bringing joy and hope eventually seeing his creations twisted to destruction and then trying to make it right by standing alone in the way of an entire armada IS A DAMN GOOD STORY IN THE MAKING.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: [Idea] Breaking the Walls
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 01:45:12 pm »
In the first game, it did talk about Gabriel and his adventures against pirates as he travelled around the Burren. But I don't think that there was a indepth backstory on why he created the Icarus. In game it shows the city from where he retrieved the metal and parts. Also I believe that it was a horde of pirates that did him in at the last leg of his adventure as the Factions didn't fully started making their airship fleets.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: [Idea] Breaking the Walls
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 12:02:40 am »
The lore is pretty flexible for speculation. I don't think Muse has even touched the ancient war. Gabe's story also takes place quite awhile before GOIO lore. During that time, lot of stuff could have happened.

As one who is working on the GOIO VN team, the best thing you could do is check the gallery forum. You can figure out bits and pieces of the lore from posts there.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: [Idea] Breaking the Walls
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 11:54:02 am »
And then there's the RPs, the skies have no limits and the burning skies saloon. The burning skies took on a life of its own, and shifted into a story, with hugely in-depth characters and amazing coherence. The Burning skies, along with the side quests, is quite a good read.