Yeah, I know Jacob, it should be like you said, but unfortunately I'm getting different experience

First of all, it's a miracle if you convince crew to take right ammo. But ok, that's not the end of the world, but once we're in match and I want to get my gunner on that gatling and he doesn't responds to me... or having both front guns active on pyramidion is very rare occasion with noobies. I found myself facing an enemy without firing a single shot at them and dying few times already.

I told that engineer that armor is priority over side guns, but it doesn't help. I tried over voice comm and in chat. And of course there are many more other examples of them failing to listen. I know that's most likely because they are new and they probably don't know how important it is to get the right loadout and to things this way and that way...
They are there to try game out, to have fun, they are likely in "yolo" mode and that's it. I don't blame them and I'm not angry at them, but in my opinion it's really not good idea to allow absolutely new players join advanced matches. It's not just about experienced players, it's also bad for them - new players, like I said before. As much as GOI community is nice in general, there are still quite a few angry captains without manners and those would probably not take lightly enginners that would repair guns instead of armor (sorry I'm saying armor, because hull doesn't make sense to me to have two different hulls, perma and the one you can't repair...). I've heard captains yelling at noobies already unfortunely, it is something no game can avoid.
The main issue here is, that a lot of vets are trying to help new players, but like I said, players that barely got in game just don't listen, they don't know better, they don't know it's important to listen and that the right loadout will help a lot. It's not a problem if they don't know how to do stuff, it's a problem because they just won't listen. I can understand they don't like being told what to do imeediately they come into game to try it out. And that's exactly one reason why i think allowing advanced matches to new players is not the best idea.
That said, you might be right that my suggestion is maybe a bit too strict, but i feel like at least something should be done. Maybe pop-up message for every time low level player tries to join advanced match? It could warn him like "Please be advised that you're attempting to enter advanced match, where you will fight experienced players. It is recommended that you join novice matches, until you reach level 4 in at least one role".
EDIT: I know people will say I'm bad captain if I can't make them to listen, but I told them simple and clear. Gunner (and his name) can you please get on right front gun? No, he prefer to stand next to me and hit me with wrench or repair already repaired armor.