Compass is easiest. 0 confusion of "Ohh.. whats starbord?" When you can just say right. Or better yett to specify, "Enemy at North West". No matter what direction your ship is pointing, the statement always points torwards North West.
When I mention weapons, i always just say the weapons purpose. On a Goldfish, a gattling one the right and a carronade on the left, will be pretty automatic if i say "Use the Carronade" Cus thats the only carronade. On a junker i say Left guns, or Right guns.
There is very little reason to use ship adjustment thingy magig words because it is incredibly outdated. The book of count of monter cristo is very much graphic when it comes to detailing ships, the harbor to it and how they work. And at that time ships were very complicated with ropes and such. Back then no one had a compass all the time and it would be impractical IRL to use one for each crew member. So ships were a very lengthy thing to learn especialy for a navigator, pilot and a captain. Crew members simply learned the angular locations and the locations of a ship to identify to how they are. Because all ships were different. But in Goio, there are only few ships to keep in mind and they are crazy. Spire, mobula and squid are the worst contender for this.