Hi all.
Just a small introduction.
Mature gamer - Officer in the DAGZ clan - UK based.
Have just received my CA stripes. Now my teaching, helping to keep players on the straight and narrow will now take on an official capacity.
Suffice to say my ethos is one of motivation. Which is a skill learnt from motivating others; mostly apprentices. We all know they can be: surly, lazy and care little about others.
My goal is to retain my high standards without letting the CA badge turn me in to a Authoritarian. In all honesty it couldn't do that as my ethos and personality does not allow me to be an overbearing control freak.
Fun is my watch word - my aim will be to keep that going in any match myself is in; helping teaching and keeping new players interested. Take many out to when able to, just to help them learn the trade. As we all know most players opt out of Novice, get a beat down and go " that wasn't much fun" So my aim is to educate the new players. In-line with other aspects such as keep the "House Clean" so to speak.
My Oath
Myself, does acknowledge the superiority of Bacon to all other foodstuffs. This includes steak, cupcakes, candy of all sorts and even fried chicken (unless wrapped in Bacon), which, they're all begrudgingly delicious, but not as delicious as Bacon. Hereby declare that one has no allegiance or obedience to any other consumable, including "Pilot tools, me spanners n Me Ammo." Thus renouncing, refusing and abjure the power of other consumables even as myself acknowledges that they each have their own desirability. Their power is diluted by the fact that each would be improved with the addition of Bacon (even Moonshine is palatable with Bacon). On this day till sands of the dunes run dry do hereby; pledge my fidelity to the swine and swear upon all held dear that the Bacon am about to consume will be the best "Streaky Maple Smoked back Bacon" ever. Since bacon is the best, this will be the best of the best – pork perfection. Will enjoy it until my ability to do so is exhausted.
Sworn to the Skies of Icarus, so help me pork
Best wishes all