Author Topic: Mobula Suggestion  (Read 36639 times)

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2014, 09:48:00 am »
Byron their showing that it is being used in competition is an attempt to show that it already viable

This. Mobula is viable.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2014, 10:33:17 am »
Byron their showing that it is being used in competition is an attempt to show that it already viable

This. Mobula is viable.

I second that. Also, if it's up to me I would rather choose a mobula over a pyramidion, in order to win, Jane.

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2014, 10:45:41 am »
Byron their showing that it is being used in competition is an attempt to show that it already viable

This. Mobula is viable.

I second that. Also, if it's up to me I would rather choose a mobula over a pyramidion, in order to win, Jane.

that's madness

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2014, 11:43:39 am »
I fly Mobula rarely, but when I do - I use a rare but interesting Quad Engie format. I have one engie dedicated to the hull side, one to balloon, and one engie set as "The Wanderer" as I call them. My  Wanderer gives my side engies a helping hand when things get tough, and can man a gun when things aren't. They all take standard repair tools and sometimes chem.

I myself take buffs and chem along with a single important pilot tool (usually drogue or impact) and use the jump up to the middle gun to fire it myself. Typically that gun is something relatively long-range as I don't want to be using it when the enemy are close. Usually this means bringing a Hades with greased rounds for emergencies.

With longer range guns upstairs and short-range fire weapons downstairs, I fly conservatively and try not to get too involved in terms of distance. As soon as they close up, my engies man the short-range guns and my wanderer gets into a position to tank. Usually the firepower across long and then short range is enough to disable or kill our enemies before they can close up and do sufficient damage.

This works against mid-to-short-range ships, but is practically useless against long-range builds. Sniper Mobulas are definitely powerful, but I have not yet experimented with them properly.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2014, 01:18:08 pm »
I said more viable. If you don't agree- great, if you do- great, I saw lots of interesting arguments from both sides, continue with that. I did not ask if you once that one sunday rumble once with that one build. I did not ask if it is viable at all, or was it ever used competitively at all, read the fine lines please :)

The last actual constructive thing related to the point of this thread was Alistair's post.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 01:19:49 pm by Byron Cavendish »

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2014, 02:57:42 pm »
I would love to test the open hatches on the top deck for quicker access to the hull and balloon from top deck guns.  This would lead to more diverse, fun and interesting weapon loadouts (since you could use close range wing guns) as well as the ability for the middle gunner to help rebuild in case of emergency.

I may be crazy but I actually remember the ship having them when it was being tested in dev app.  Can anyone else confirm or deny this?

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2014, 04:13:03 pm »
The more viable parts of the mobula is mostly in terms of its firepower and utility regarding its weapon slots.

One of the more easier ones is symetrical builds like double gat and mort, merc double artemis + gat mort.
But the more interresting builds and could be more fun is builds that use the sides.

For example. 2xhades/Mercury -  Lflak -  2xGattling
That way you have a ultra long range side, and an ultra short range side. Mostly good for your teamate.
There is also stuff like, Hades - Light flak - Light flak - Artemis/carronade - Carronade. A hades with 2 light flaks for the kill. carronade for short range escaping/Disabling.
And then there is the Flare - Gat - Mortar - Mortar - Gat. Ultra close range build, narrow aiming point but kills.

Just giving some heads up. I rarely see well made and used asymetrical mobula builds, the last one i used that needs a bit of pilot practice but is very nice is the 2xhades/Mercury -  Lflak -  2xGattling which is very fun.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2014, 11:54:30 pm »
Just gonna throw it out a random though on this.. Not sure how I feel about it even haha but..

What if, there was a ladder, that is at the opposite end of the hull the captain is in, that goes down to a third middle hull from which in here you could fix the hull and balloon easily.. but not get to any other part of the ship quickly.

This could be enough to add ways to mix up the Mobula play style, with out just removing its current play style all together.. It'd be both potentially risky or beneficial to use depending on the situation.. It'd need testing though to see for sure its usefulness/gamechangyness..

What if.. instead of a ladder it was a hole down, and once in this hall the only way back to the top is.. to jump out the bottom of the ship?... Well that would be ridiculous but just a second random thought....

Offline Samantha Vosh

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2014, 05:59:05 pm »
I think it's balanced as it is. At first i thought it to be imbalanced. Having been at the receiving end of a very skilled crew in a Mobula, i was decimated in a matter of seconds. No chance of repairing, no chance of running away. I get the feeling it's designed for that specific purpose. To catch the out of position ships and remove them from the match in a quick fashion. A glass cannon so to say. If the ship would be able to take hits as well, or be faster, it would outperform most ships. Because the Mobula only has to turn it's front towards the enemy and unload.

Currently I'm still clueless how to deal with the Mobula other then catching it with it's pants down.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2014, 07:32:06 pm »
The Spire is more glass cannonn than the mobula is:
- 4 guns that all can potentionally shoot the same guy plus one of those is a heavy gun that deals an immense amount of damage (sometimes, maybe).
- Has a MUCH bigger hitbox than the mobula.
- Has less armor and perma hull than most other ships.

I would rather buff the spire some more instead of having an even more powerful mobula.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2014, 07:44:17 pm »
Yes please
buff the spires longtidunal acceleration by 50%-100%

Offline B'Elanna

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2014, 09:16:30 pm »
My professional suggestions:
  • Dye the Mobula dark red
  • Call it "The Bloody Maxi Pad"
That is all.

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2014, 04:15:05 am »
Would the mobula be more viable, if the guns were turned in to the center more, and remove middle gun, replace it with a component like hull and open up the middle for the balloon comparment,

You lose Middle weapon,
you can get the remaining 4 in arc easier.
hull moves to top deck replacing middle weapon position, so pilot can also repair with a jump hit,
Balloon goes center underneath accessible from both sides opening up underneath, maybe connect the engines at the back with a corridor and in the center connect balloon.


DISCLAIMER* My thoughts and opinions no way reflect possible or future changes within the game just wanted to throw some ideas into the mix and keep the thread on track.

Offline Deltajugg

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2014, 06:37:48 am »
I don't think this would help much.
As I mentioned before, my main problem with Mobula is its lack of maintaining both repairs and firepower together at the acceptable level, especially considering that both its hull and balloon can be easily damaged simultaneously with the Hades, which is good against one and decent against the other, to make matters worse. Apart from Hades being popular, dealing damage to both main components on the mobula actually goes for every gun in the game other than Merc.
If you want to have good firepower, you have to let the balloon and hull go (and we all know that never ends well for a ship).
If you go for repairs, you end up losing one gun per damaged component, leaving you with either 2 guns shooting (if pilot is the one to mount the top gun) or 1 gun and ship's maneuverability.

If we go for giving up the top gun, you already cripple mobula maximum damage potential of 4 guns shooting at once, it does get a little bit more survivability with pilot being able to hit it with a wrench/mallet once in a while (where he gives up maneuverability for a second), but one tool is not enough to keep it maintained. That means one guy from the side guns needs to go and keep it maintained properly, which cripples the maximum damage potential again, but I would even say for longer time than it is the case now. And god help you if balloon needs repairs too, you end up with only one gun shooting, back to square one basically.

In case of most of the ships, you have either one engineer highly devoted to keep the repairs going for the ship(Galleon's Main Engineer), or you have an engineer that has a way to keep the main component healthy fast enough after shooting a gun(Junker's Front Engineer, Goldfish's Starboard Engineer). In some cases you have both on one ship (Pyramidion's Main Engineer and Balloon Engineer), in others a pilot has ways to help with the repairs of the component in a critical situation (Galleon, Junker, Spire), but the problem is, you have none of it on the Mobula. Mobula can be damaged too easily to stay on guns and not worry about the components, but components are too far compared to what you have on the other ships, and they can't be maintained as well. They are too far from eachother to have one engineer fully devoted to the repairs, and pilot cannot help with the repairs either.

Funny thing is, I don't exactly feel that it's as bad of a case for the Spire (TFW you call Spire more tanky than Mobula). Spire's guns are much easier to maintain in arc (for it doesn't turn as much as Mob), giving the pilot more freedom to either mount the light gun next to him, or to help with hull repairs. Maximum hull armor is lower on Spire, but as in the Squid's case, it rebuilds so quickly that you can actually stay alive for quite some time, whereas Mob engie has to spend quite some time to rebuild the hull armor. The most important thing though is the fact that the Spire has a heavy weapon. Mob's guns can be easily ignored, for two light guns (or one, depending on how you play mob) can't cause a damage as devastating as merc/hades and h.flak/LJ, and there's no problem ignoring mobula's fire if you harass it hard enough to give the engineers some work. Spire, on the other hand, can give you a hard time even with only two people mounting the guns. Not to mention that, from my experience, enemy's shots don't go for the balloon as often as they do for the hull, already giving the Spire an advantage over Mob, where you always deal damage to both main components.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Mobula Suggestion
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2014, 09:51:24 am »
Well, that's the risk for taking a mobula. In exchange for having the engineer behaving like they have to on the mobula, you can have 2 different loadouts on the same side. Switching from long range to close range/disable or anything pretty easily.

No matter what the numbers say, a mobula can get pretty tanky.
When hull and balloon drop, it's no different from most other ships. If either of those drop, you still have 2 guns shooting. A Hades and a Flamer and the occasional mine are the only problems.

An advantage of the ships current layout is that both engineers have the potential to repair their own gun and have them both shoot when they have the time. On a pyra, there would be only the balloon engineer that could shoot at all.
The downside of this is of course that each engi has to repair his/her own engine, but the occasional engineer running through all of them by himself happens from time to time.

Why do you insist on repairing everything on your own?
On this ship either the left wing or the right wing shoots, or both (I am not even including the 3rd crewmember). A spire can't have that, neither can a pyra or a goldfish.