If you think about it, how much abuse will you get from the harpoon if its reload time is shorter? You still have to give up 1 gun slot for it. This 1 gun slot could help you kill/disable faster.
Example Pyramidion with harpoon on the front:
If it has a harpoon on the front it will most likely get a flamer or a gatling to pair it up with (if not a second harpoon). If the enemy is a gat/mortar pyra it can easily kill that harpoon ship.
If you led it get behind you, it's no different from letting any other enemy behind you -> you are dead. The harpoon would make sure that the enemy cannot escape with special pilot tool tricks.
Example Pyramidion (or any ship for that matter) with harpoon on the side:
The same as above. You lose killing potentional, but at least the enemy can't run away or around you too easily.
Example Galleon with harpoon on the side:
If you get on the side of a galleon you are doing something wrong. The harpoon makes sure you will learn your lesson.
Whatever the reload time is, the very idea of putting this gun on your ship is questionable, because you simply lose quite a bit of killing and/or disable potentional.
But at least the enemy can't get away, right? Wrong.
With the current harpoon physics you are the one that moves in on the enemy and not even reliably. In most cases you will lose almost all of your gun arcs, having you standing right next to the enemy without any chance of attacking. In the worst case scenario, the enemy still has arcs on you while you just lose yours, giving him the advantage he needs to kill/disable you without you being able to defend yourself.
If I am not incorrect than the harpoon barely reels in the enemy, but speeds you up towards them and this sucks.
I can understand that a squid should not be able to reel in a galleon, but if a spire harpoons a squid, backwards moonshines and still moves towards the squid, than I believe something is wrong.
I don't need quicker reload times, if the weapon itself does what I need it to do. If the harpoon physics are not getting changed, then I want a new tool that is suggested here: