Our game obviously misses some new outfits for our characters. Why developers dont give them us? Maybe they lack ideas? Or dont know what we, players, want from outfits?
I suggest to make this tread to start working on new outfit for characters together. Everyone welcome. If you are artist - great, if you just have an idea which you can show - perfect, if you have an idea which you cant show, but able to explain - that will work too !
To start this discussion , I want to share some of my ideas.
First one is a male version of Riot Runner outfit.
There were suggested several ideas about it - ading gloves (fingerless like female or normal?) and making sleeves longer and adding gountlets. I am also not sure about colours. So ideas will be helpful.
Second idea is connected to GREAT SKIRT PROBLEM in all games. the problem comes from that skirt is something not very easy to model, so all skirts in games are very short , or very long, nothing in middle.
I did a sketch which could show another possible option of making something like a middle-length skirt in GOIO. We can make another steampunk look, alternative to Red Sparrow outfit, but showing not tights but pantalons. Another possible option is decorating skirt with tournure , to make it look more feminine and bulk
So colleagues, I am waiting for your own ideas and outfits!