Author Topic: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements  (Read 8933 times)

Offline Schwerbelastung

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Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« on: April 08, 2014, 12:21:19 pm »

I think both the tutorial mode (where you shoot at target dummies) and the tutorial messages (the ones you can toggle off, that say for instance "Press E to mount the Whirlwind Gatling Gun") could use some improving.

Some things are easier to code, some things are harder to code. Improving existing tutorials should be easy, adding new ones is hard. I will try to compile all suggestions we get in this thread in the OP, so the devs can maybe get some ideas from here. Better tutorials give us all more experienced people to play with, and the newcomers a better introduction to the world of Guns of Icarus Online.

I'll start:

Tutorial message suggestions

  • The weapon tutorial texts could say which components the gun is effective against. Example: "Press E to mount the Whirlwind Gatling Gun. This weapon is very effective against ship components and hull armor. <optional>Effective hits are indicated by large hit markers.</optional>
  • There could be tutorial messages about the King of the Hill and Crazy King game modes that appear at the start of the match.
  • Improved engineering tutorial messages. Explain the difference between a spanner and a mallet, have a tutorial message for repair cooldown, and maybe explain what buffing/spraying a component does.

Tutorial mode suggestions

  • It could be a good idea to have you be able to shoot at live ships - stationary, moving, and/or firing - in the tutorial. This may be easier to implement once piloting AI is finished.
  • If a player has not finished all tutorials, it could be an idea to add a confirmation box "You have not completed all the tutorials yet. Completing the tutorials helps you understand game mechanics and because of that, improves your chances of winning a live game." that shows up when you click on "Play". This confirmation box could possibly be toggled off from the options, like the tutorial messages.

Go on, add your own! :)

Offline redria

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Re: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2014, 12:35:54 pm »
There could be tutorial messages about the King of the Hill and Crazy King game modes that appear at the start of the match.
So much this.
Nobody new seems to understand that
  • There are matches other than death match
  • A lobby can switch from death match to a capture point focused map
  • The point generally occurs at and below the balloon
  • In crazy king only 1 point is active at a time -> you can only capture the active point
  • In crazy king the point moves in alphabetical order
Every time I get in a CP match with a lower level pilot I double check if they realize what gamemode we are playing and how it works.

Relatedly, There needs to be a message mentioning that you can talk to your ally pilots using "C".
My most memorable new pilot CP experience was one where he kept flying a galleon through the point shouting into captain chat "HAHHAHA LIONS" while firing off hwachas.
Towards the end of the game I finally convinced him that I was actually his ally, and that I was asking for help from him, and not the enemy whining at him about hwacha barrages.

Offline Lenin's Ghost

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Re: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 08:20:15 am »
Guten Tag, Schwerbelastung!

I am currently revising the tutorials. Several of the issues you mention are already being addressed. Some of the others I had not yet considered, thanks for the suggestions! I would like to go over things in more detail, but we are getting ready to go to PAX (where some of the new tutorials can be seen 8) ).

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 01:58:34 pm »
The basic hit marker mechanic (small/big, yellow/red) should probably be explained in the basic gunner tutorial.

Offline Schwerbelastung

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Re: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 06:11:25 pm »
There could be a tutorial about UI functions the first time a player launches the game, or enters a lobby. The tutorial would show you how to choose your class, and select your loadout.

This tutorial could in my opinion be mandatory, since it should not take more than 1-2 minutes at the very most to complete, and this information actually is vital.

Offline Schwerbelastung

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Re: Suggestion: Tutorial message & tutorial mode improvements
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2014, 06:12:28 pm »
Guten Tag, Schwerbelastung!

I am currently revising the tutorials. Several of the issues you mention are already being addressed. Some of the others I had not yet considered, thanks for the suggestions! I would like to go over things in more detail, but we are getting ready to go to PAX (where some of the new tutorials can be seen 8) ).

Also, vielen Dank for your reply! It's very nice to see developers respond to threads on this forum, it shows that you guys care. ;)