Author Topic: 1.3.5 flamer weirdness explained in 15 minutes  (Read 7740 times)

Offline Schwerbelastung

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1.3.5 flamer weirdness explained in 15 minutes
« on: March 31, 2014, 10:27:31 am »
...or so I hope. I know it is an ambitious goal, but hopefully these videos will help clear up at least some of the confusion as to why and how the flamer isn't working as it should. It will be fixed in the next patch, though.

Here's the first video. Free cake included!

Second video here:

This video is a little longer, since there are tests on the hull and engine destroying capabilities of the flamer with different ammo types. There are quick links to each of the tests and for the conclusion during the first 20 seconds if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

In short; flamer particles travel through components, there are 2 separate hull hitboxes, and greased rounds are superior to heavy clip in terms of pure dps (and due to rof/clip size, very likely also in terms of fires started).