This is not my fight and I know the people it concerns aren't interested in fighting it, however I feel something must be mentioned.
This was not just a Cesports production. Letonater, the Dan from The Rob And Dan Show, was a major part of putting this together and one of the main reasons people were willing to look past previous frictions between Cesports, the Community, and Muse. However there are some troubling characteristics about this announcement. The pre-eminence of of the Cesports branding is amazingly troublesome as this was supposed to be a new event that was neither Cogs or Cesports. In addition, the only mention of Leto is a mention that there will be some streaming on his channel. Without any knowledge of the putting together of all this, all one could infer from this announcement, is that Leto is just a streamer under the Cesports brand when in reality he is much more to this tournament than just a camera and commentator.
So why am I concerned about all this? It is just a name after all, correct? My motive for posting this is that naming matters as it implies ownership. We've been seeing a massive consolidation of the competitive scene in the last months and I feel many where okay because it was both Urz and Leto. I was able to look past my clan's previous issues with Urz because I knew that I could trust Leto to make sure things were welcoming to all clans. I still trust Leto, but the way this has been rolled out strongly implies that trust would not be met with power to ensure this is a welcoming community.
I promised Duck support of this, and trust me, I really want there to be as you said a "new premiere event for Guns of Icarus Online, Sky League will provide both teams and spectators with the highest level of airship competition!" So here is all that needs to be done to fix this. Publicly recognize the contributions of Leto and ease on slapping your branding everywhere. As things stand, Byron receives more credit for the production of this than Leto. In no way should recognizing the role and work that Leto has put into this should be controversial or difficult and it would mean a lot for myself and many members of my clan.