Disable is the meta at the moment, and as an engineer there is nothing you can do except bring a mallet and hope your gunner has better aim then theirs. To help remedy this I have decided to try to come up with a new buff tool that focuses more on defense then offence, basically the opposite of the current buff hammer. The whole concept for this is to allow an engineer to have another item to choose from to bring into battle. The design for the tool can be anything, maybe Muse can bring back the very old buff tool model that was in before it got changed to a hammer. So, what does it do?
The tool will be able to reduce the damage a part of the ship takes. However, it will not protect components from fire damage and impact damage. Also, it will just apply the same armor increasing buff to the hull as the last one does. Don't want to be messing with that.
Other notes to consider: will it be a good idea to have it stack with the current buff tool, or as soon as you start buffing a part with a different tool it resets. (yellow bar for Productivity buff and blue bar for Defense buff) Will giving this buff the ability to pre-buff or even buff a part even when it is broken a good idea? (I think so, pointless to have a defensive buff if you cannot even keep a part up long enough to buff it.) Damage reduction: What will parts get for reduction bonuses and duration, Example: Guns 30-50% reduction for 60 seconds, Balloon 20% 30 seconds, Engines 30-50% 60 seconds. And whether or not it can be used to reduce damage taken from pilot tools.
***All numbers are placeholders and are not to be taken seriously***
Alright, Discuss, Is this a good idea, what are pros and cons you can see, and compared to the standard buff kit when would you take this over it, if you would. If this is not what you would envision for a defensive buff tool, what is?