whereas kerosene is better for longer burns.
ships can achieve a higher average travel speed with moonshine compared to kerosene.
As for my personal preferences:kerosene in general
moonshine on ships which (1) are good to ram with AND (2) have got an easy engine repair route. So you'll see me bringing shine for brawl pyras most of the time and occasionally on brawl galleons.
Unless one wants to make heavy use of the Pyras side weapon (and hence release pressure from the main engineer) I think shine to be the clear superior pick compared to kero. It allows you to accelerate faster, it allows you to get a higher maximum velocity and a higher average travel speed. Furthermore shine stabalizes the ship better than kero during rams.
Proper pyra-moonshine usage for pilots: As a pilot you generally don't want to burn it all the time. Instead use the following pattern:
1. use shine until the engines are burned down to 1/4th hp
2. wait until your engineer applies the mallet whacks
3. wait another brief moment to let some mallet cooldown time pass with the engines staying in excellent shape (two seconds or so - I didn't do the math)
4. start over with step 1
regarding point 3. In order to maximize the engine output, you want to time the moonshine usage in a way that the engineer can reapply his mallet whacks right in the moment the engines burn down to 1/4th hp
Proper pyra-moonshine handling for engineers: A) mallet claps on hull -> side engine -> main engine (which can be hit from below) -> side engines -> the remaining cooldown time for the next mallet whack on the hull can be used to shoot the side guns or to simply watch out for enemies.
B) for excessive moon shining (eg. for fast travel on cps): spanner left engine -> spanner main engine -> spanner right engine -> spanner main engine, repeat. This keeps the main engine in excellent shape while the side engines will burn down slowly. Once the side engines have been damaged sufficiently to fully utilize a mallet hit, alter the route to mallet left engine -> spanner main engine -> mallet right engine -> spanner main engine.