As I was spectating a match a few minutes ago it occured to me that GoI's world is so rich in details that I keep recognizing new easter eggs, items, small features etc. even after having participated in a thousand matches or so. So I thought we could start a game called the "GoI detail game" where somebody comes up with a small world detail that the next posters have to identify. It is ok to check the game for these details, or, if you know them by heart, simply reveal them. I'm thinking about weird, unknown places on maps that we don't know of, items that people don't often notice, ship details that we rarely have time to admire. I'm sure many of you know these by heart already, but it may be interesting for newer players, and for day dreaming older players like me.

The rule is that we cannot proceed to the next mystery until we solve the ones above. One person can add three mysteries or less at a time. To give you some clues as to what I have in mind, let me present the first three:
What small metal tools are scattered around a junker’s hull?
What is written on the pyramidion’s little bell?
What items are there on the barrel which is on the main deck of the galleon?