Author Topic: Favorite Builds  (Read 25261 times)

Offline Thomas

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Favorite Builds
« on: December 19, 2013, 05:33:56 am »
I know players discuss their favorite ships a lot, but what are your favorite builds? As a captain? As a crew?

I tend to pilot/captain a lot, since it's a good excuse for me to flap my jaws for long periods of time; but mostly because I enjoy flying.

Currently my favorite build is based around the Squid. I love this ship something fierce. For me this is the ship that is most fun to fly. It's small and nimble, and you're able to move it in places that other ships generally can't get to. I love to fly it all sneaky-like (or so I tell myself). Going through clouds and jetting down less used routes to catch my enemies unaware.

Usually I'll stick a flamethrower on the front, unless the other team notices this and starts bringing chem spray, and then I switch it up to a gatling gun. My side gun is a mortar, and you can probably guess what the game plan is. Sneak in close, then hit them hard and fast. I know a lot of squids go for heavy disable builds, and this leads a lot of players to believe the squid to be weak and unable to kill ships. But if you do it right, this ship is hard to stop. With it's maneuverability, you can often keep it in the blind spots of the enemy and you tear away at them. It's really similar to a gat/mortar pyra, except you're capable of circling the enemy better to avoid their arcs.

I usually don't use the back gun often, although in the past I was spinning that ship around like crazy telling my crew to hop to different positions. It's a lot of fun that way, making it easier to dance around you enemy, but it's a lot harder on the crew, since some components aren't that easy to reach. So that back gun is just a back up, in case we have to change direction or need to run.

My other favorite build, that I haven't been able to try as much, is a pyra with front facing mine launcher. I've found this gun delightfully enjoyable in many situations, however it's difficult to use in an offensive manner that this build requires. Generally I pair it with a mortar or a hades depending on the map. Mortar works well from the range, and also because the mines are great at stripping armor. Personally I think the mine launcher is the greatest weapon ever. It really sticks to the 'risk vs reward' factor, especially with offensive mine launching. Your goal is not to hit the ship, but -almost- hit their ship, letting the mine deploy and then explode. If you time it right, they just can't avoid it. The impact damage is extra fun, since it'll knock their ship around as well. However, if you miss a shot, there's a good chance you'll run into it and damage your own ship. But if you do manage to get an ace gunner on it, it's almost unstoppable.

And those are my current favorites. I haven't been able to play the mine pyra as much, due to the skill level and coordination required. Another fun idea is a carronade goldfish with a side mine launcher. Once you pop their balloon, you can mine launch above/below them, since it's easier to predict their movement. Essentially you can slam them straight into the ground or send them plummeting into your mines. I think it'd be easier to shoot the mines above them, especially when they try to start rising back up.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2013, 05:55:14 am »
ship: Junker.
Front: Artemis.
Right side
Top: Artemis.
Bottom: Artemis.
Left side
Top: Mortar.
Bottom: Gatling gun.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2013, 12:19:14 pm »
I miss my
front: banshee
left side: gat / mortar
right side: carronade / mortar.

pretty much got taken out of meta when hades was introduced.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2013, 12:43:43 pm »
As crew i really like sniper builds on a galleon. I love engineering on such a ship. If it is lj flak merc or double lj. Both really funny.
As pilot i like the hades banshee pyra.

Offline Riggatto

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 01:17:32 pm »
My favorite build to fly is that triple art junker like coldcurse's. My favorite to crew is a merc/art/hflak spire

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2013, 01:54:43 pm »

Just spire... well. I run spire with many builds but my most prominent build is.

Hwacha with light flak on its side.
Hades on top and a Mine launcher to keep distance.

Most diversive situation build for the spire IMO

Offline Sylas Firehammer

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 02:08:41 pm »
Junker! Artemis front, carronades on right, gat/mortar left.

Offline The Djinn

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2013, 02:25:05 pm »
I have a few currently favorites.

Goldfish: Carronade/Flamer/Flamer
This ship is a nightmare once it pops your balloon, as it basically shuts down all your components and keeps your engineers running like mad. Great fun on Labyrinth or Duel: it's really easy to close distance, and once people fall into that terrain they aren't coming back up. Unless they can kill you during your approach they have to 2v1 you, as you can keep someone disabled and pinned forever.

Spire: Heavy Flack/Lower Artemis/Forward Mercury Field Gun/Right Artemis
An incredibly effective long-range harass ship capable of disabling ships that try to close the distance. While it relies on allies to gain vision on targets in clouds it is capable of laying down a tremendous amount of firepower at an absurd range. Best when in a 3v3/4v4, or when paired with something exceedingly brawly and survivable to distract the enemies: usually something like a triple-engie Junker or brawling Pyramidion.

Squid: Front Carronade/Right Flamethrower/Rear Banshee
Pops their balloon while it closes, lights their ship up, and can then choose to hit them with forward balloon-lock + fire damage, or rear explosive fire + fire damage, depending if you need to kill or just disable. A rear facing Banshee with greased rounds also gives you good escaping power, as you can easily ignite and destroy critical components and send your enemy's engineers running.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2013, 05:01:46 pm »
My favourite build for the Pyra was always double gat front and double flare side. The results it produced could sometimes be glorious. The HMCS Duck Pharaoh may carry a gat/mortar now, but at heart it'll always be that spectacular (suicidal) ramming ship.

Offline Jazzza

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2013, 09:07:14 pm »
Gatling & mortar for my Pyramidion. The armour is destroyed then finished off with some explosive mortars. The other guns are flares/flamethrowers or whatever the hell my crew wants.

Offline Subarco

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 10:23:49 pm »
A build that I do purely for fun is a triple-Gat + Hwacha Spire. It takes the concept of glass cannon to the extreme. Of course, anything with range will shut this down easily, but the ability to take out enemies in a flash is immensely satisfying.

My usual go-to build is the Mobula with Merc top and the rest all Artemis. The ups and downs of this ship is pretty insane and feels like I'm flying a yo-yo. Also, I love to be able to park the Mob in a area with good range of fire and get a Quadfecta going, whether it's 4 Art shooting at once or 1 Merc and 3 Art.

I also love the double-Flak Galleon with either an AI crew or good gunners. My enemies often would ask what happened as their ship dies in one volley after their hull is exposed.

For the Junker, instead of triple Art, I go with triple Flamer with a Merc/Art or Hades/Flak side for range. Enemies die not from the flames, but from the horrid lag spewing out of the Flamers.

A good support ship I like to run is the double Merc Pyramidion. Enemy hull is constantly exposed from range and counters even ships heavy on the Artemis.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2013, 01:08:02 pm »
A build that I do purely for fun is a triple-Gat + Hwacha Spire. It takes the concept of glass cannon to the extreme. Of course, anything with range will shut this down easily, but the ability to take out enemies in a flash is immensely satisfying.

My usual go-to build is the Mobula with Merc top and the rest all Artemis. The ups and downs of this ship is pretty insane and feels like I'm flying a yo-yo. Also, I love to be able to park the Mob in a area with good range of fire and get a Quadfecta going, whether it's 4 Art shooting at once or 1 Merc and 3 Art.

Ive got news for you buddy.

Drop the third gat. (Front one) and add a mortar.  When you disable with the HWACHA not only do you disable, you also do armor damage. Then add the gats in for the armor break. Kill with mortar.  If on timing, you can fire the hwacha and mortar when the armor is down. Much quicker and kills any ship in one armor down which is pretty quick.

And your mobula build, Place gat mort on the lower decks. Mercury on the top. And artemis on the far sides.     This will ensure you can also brawl. But the enemy is allready withered when approaching.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2013, 01:33:51 pm »
If I can get a good crew together I like flying the 2x fron merc Pyra with gat/morter side. For crew I ask for 2 regular engineers with charged rounds and one spanner/mallet/buff/lesmok engineer. At long range the standard engies lay down the charged merc fire while the buff engie buffs their guns. Since both guns are a short walk apart the buff is pretty much on all the time. Also if a gun goes down you have two spanners bringing it up almost instantly. At super long ranges The captain repairs the hull so the three engineers can keep up the highest DPS possible. At medium to close range the ship can turn its broad side and brawl or use the 2x merc to strip armor before a ram. When broad side brawling the buffgineer gets the morter while one of the regular engies gets the gat and the other tanks hull. Also having three spanner mallet combos really helps when you have to run for you life.

Offline Subarco

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2013, 04:50:47 pm »
A build that I do purely for fun is a triple-Gat + Hwacha Spire. It takes the concept of glass cannon to the extreme. Of course, anything with range will shut this down easily, but the ability to take out enemies in a flash is immensely satisfying.

My usual go-to build is the Mobula with Merc top and the rest all Artemis. The ups and downs of this ship is pretty insane and feels like I'm flying a yo-yo. Also, I love to be able to park the Mob in a area with good range of fire and get a Quadfecta going, whether it's 4 Art shooting at once or 1 Merc and 3 Art.

Ive got news for you buddy.

Drop the third gat. (Front one) and add a mortar.  When you disable with the HWACHA not only do you disable, you also do armor damage. Then add the gats in for the armor break. Kill with mortar.  If on timing, you can fire the hwacha and mortar when the armor is down. Much quicker and kills any ship in one armor down which is pretty quick.

And your mobula build, Place gat mort on the lower decks. Mercury on the top. And artemis on the far sides.     This will ensure you can also brawl. But the enemy is allready withered when approaching.

Yah, I tested it out with two Gats and one Mort, and it's amazing as well. For the Mobula, I just like to be able to get a quadfecta long range going, hence the overkill on the Artemis.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: Favorite Builds
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 01:55:06 pm »
Goldfish: Cloudbreaker

Hellhound fore chaser, Phobos starboard, Beacon port.

Kerosene, Claw, Hydrogen ; pilot.

Heavy clip, Lochnagar shot, Incendiary rounds ; gunner.

Pipe wrench, DynaBuff, Extinguisher, Lesmok rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Extinguisher, Heatsink clip ; engineer.

Pyramidion: Galerider

Hades starboard bow, Echidna port bow, Artemis amidships port, Beacon port quater.

Kerosene, Claw, Hydrogen ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Incendiary rounds, Burst rounds ; gunner.

Pipe wrench, DynaBuff, Spray, Charged rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Extinguisher, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Junker: Stormhornet

Hades fore chaser, Artemis gun-deck starboard, Banshee gun-deck port, Artemis main-deck starboard, Banshee main-deck port.

Moonshine, Hydrogen, Vent, Spanner, Burst rounds ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Incendiary rounds, Burst rounds ; gunner.

Spanner, Mallet, Extinguisher, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Spray, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Spire: Fogscythe

Typhon gun-deck chaser, Artemis gun-deck port, Mercury forecastle chaser, Becon forecastle starboard.

Moonshine, Claw, Bumpers, Heatsink clip ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Lochnagar shot, Charged rounds ; gunner.

Pipe wrench, DynaBuff, Spray, Charged rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Extinguisher, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Galleon: The Great Sky Whale

Lumberjack gun-deck port bow, Typhon gun-deck amidships port, Artemis main-deck port, Manticore gun-deck starboard bow, Hellhound gun-deck amidships starboard, Beacon aftcastle chaser.

Moonshine, Claw, Tar, Heatsink clip ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Incendiary rounds, Burst rounds ; gunner.

Spanner, Mallet, Spray, Charged rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Extinguisher, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Mobula: Windcutter

Mercury forecastle chaser, Artemis main-deck port, Artemis main-deck starboard, Dragon Tongue port gun-deck, Dragon Tongue starboard gun-deck.

Claw, Hydrogen, Vent, Charged rounds ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Charged rounds, Burst rounds ; gunner.

Spanner, Mallet, Spray, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Spray, Burst rounds ; engineer.

Squid: Edge Dancer

Barking Dog fore chaser, Dragon Tongue starboard, Phobos aft chaser.

Kerosene, Hydrogen, Vent ; pilot.

Lesmok rounds, Greased rounds, Incendiary rounds ; gunner.

Pipe wrench, Mallet, Extinguisher, Lesmok rounds ; engineer.

Spanner, Mallet, Spray, Burst rounds ; engineer
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 02:03:49 pm by GeoRmr »