Author Topic: Galleon Load outs  (Read 27014 times)

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Galleon Load outs
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:53:10 am »
Hello! So I've got some questions on the galleon, pretty much about load outs you'd recommend for it.
I've currently got on the left side a Hades, hwacha & lumberjack and on the right a hwacha and carronade, banshee carousel on the back

I'm not very experienced in the Galleon and haven't really bothered with experimenting in it much (And can't get used to it's slowness) So gimme all your load out secrets!
Also are there any secret pilot tool load outs I should know about?

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 12:27:44 pm »
Phoenix claw is a must on a galleon.

I have two galleon builds:
Long range:
left - Merc, hwacha, lumberjack or flack (gunner's preference)
right - hwacha, carronade
rear - flare

Close range:
left - gat, carronade, manticore
right - carronade, manticore
rear - mine

The manticore is useful at any range, especially if the downstairs engie takes heavy, and swaps out with the gunner when the target ship gets too close for the long range gun.
Close range is always carronade/manticore. The carronade can strip balloon or hull and gives us the choice of  making some breathing room or going for a kill.

The important thing to remember is the galleon can not control range. It is purely reactive to what the enemy ships are doing. If they want to fight long range, you have to be ready to out fight them at long range. If they want to fight close range, you have to be ready to out fight them at close range. You can always charge them, but your crew had better be on their game. The firing window on a galleon charge is very small.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 01:32:58 pm »
As the Galleon is a broadside ship there are the two normal  ideas.
Either use a symmetrical loadout but assume that one side will always lack one light gun. This is only a real option if you go for 2 brawl setups.
Or the assymetrical one.
And there it depends on your focus.
Do you want longrange or closerange capabilities?
One side will always be stronger. If i go assymetrical i would take the longrange side with 3 guns in most cases as in brawl fights your main engineer will probably be busy doing other stuff.

If you have your closerange side on the right i would always take a hwacha, hcarro.
They both disable different parts of the enemy ship and the carro can shred armor quite ok while a hwacha can instagib the enemy permahull once the armor is down.
For longrange sides with 3 guns there are alot of possibilities.
If you have 3 guns for closerange you could take double hwacha and a gat.

It all depends on your engagement range.
The common one is Lumberjack, mercury, heavy flak ...
Alternatives for longrange guns are obv the hwacha for the lowerdeck (would swap with hflak). A Hades or Artemis for topdeck.
IT all depends what you want.
If your enemy gets closer you might want a hwacha on the left side to get the disable potential even if they are close.
You could also go double Lumberjack and add a Artemis as permahull dmg.
All depends what you want.

The backslot is a bid of a utility/dead spot.
In most cases your dead if an enemy gets in there.
A Flare can assits your longrange sniping. A Carronade, mine or artemis can give you a bid of time if the enemy gets in their.

But one thing you have to keep in mind.
A Galleon is a really hard ship to fly and to crew.
If you go longrange sniping you want good gunner/gungineers who can hit at maximum range of your guns.
You also need an ally who can guard you a bid.
A disable squid (carro, flamer) will pin you down till the end if you cant turn your closerange weapons on him fast enough.
If your ally doesnt help you in that situation your screwed.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 07:23:27 pm »
Biggest and most essential change to your ship would be to switch out the rear gun.

Flare is best 90% of the time imho.

Personally I prefer the heavy flak to the hwacha on the port side (people often forget it's quite potent within arm time) for murderous fun but you really need to have a dependable and accurate gunner on it because engagements will often hinge on whether the flak gunner connects in the right place at the right time.

Offline Subarco

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 11:10:20 pm »
I'm addicted to Hwacha's so I put them on all 4 of the medium gun slots. Typically the side light gun would be the the gatling gun to strip armor. This is my answer to aggressive Pyramidions with a Gat/Mort setup. The big weakness to this build is range, especially to Artemis and Mercury and great Lumberjack gunners.

Against balloon poppers, I like to do dual heavy carronades on port side with a light gun mortar. The reason for this set-up is for a couple of reasons. One, the heavy carronades have a good upward arc, so if my balloon does get popped, my crew will have a slightly longer window to shoot back. Also, dual heavy carronades are actually very good at stripping armor, which leaves the hull open for the mortar to fire upon. Furthermore, even if the enemy ship drops faster than I can after popping their balloons, the mortar have a great downward arc to finish off the rapidly descending enemy ship.

For long range and if I have an AI crew, I go for dual heavy flak on port side with a mercury on the side. The AI's are actually quite good with shooting the Flak guns at a reasonable range if you are steady with piloting the Galleon. If the enemy is stripped down to armor, depending on the type of ship, the enemy can go down in one volley. Of course, the weakness to this build is that I'll have to rely on the starboard side for close engagements and turning to the correct side even with the Phoenix Claws is a slow affair.

With all builds, I put a flamethrower on the rear light gun. It's an incredibly good gun for stalling time if you get caught with your pants down as it can potentially disable enemy guns and kill enemy balloons.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 11:12:19 pm by Subarco »

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2013, 12:29:10 am »
I fly mine brawler all the way. Double Carronade/mortar port, Double Hawacha starboard.

You've got your 'disable' and your 'kill' side.

Usually, you want to bring Kerosene, Chute Vent, and Claw for your pilot tools.

The most important thing with this build is to catch the enemy off guard. Fly in quickly at an angle with Kerosene (Galleon has a much higher top speed then most people expect, it's acceleration is just the crap part. Boosters take care of that nicely) when their attention is elsewhere, and open up whichever broadside is easier, your call.

You're probably going to want to focus on kill side, though.

Tell your lower-deck to open up on EVERYTHING.
I like to tell everyone downstairs to bring Incendiary. It guarantees that the enemy gungineer will have to come off his gun to help with fire control across all decks while the main works on the balloon, or vicea-versa.
Congrats, you've not only got the enemy pilot panicking because 'HOLY CRAP, SUDDENLY GALLEON BROADSIDE,' the engineers are panicking because 'HOLY CRAP, EVERYTHING IS DEAD OR ON FIRE' and the gunner is panicking because nobody is extinguishing his gun.

The pandemonium doesn't last long, because assuming your main engineer can ignore his/her responsibilities and stick on the mortar, you'll net a kill so fast, you'll swear you're playing Call of Duty.

And if your prey's ally is nearby, but was too late to save his/her friend, you're ready to completely disable with a double-hawacha. Your ally should swoop in and get the easy kill.

Well, in theory.

But douse me in water and call me Janeway if it isn't a hell of a good time.

Offline Zander Broda

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2013, 03:28:04 am »
i run a flare rear, hades/Hwacha(front)/lumberjack(rear) left, hwacha(front)/carro(rear) galleon. have the gunner bring heavy, burst, charged and mans the hwacha, taking up the LJ or carro in situations i need both engis doing something, then the gungineer brings charged, and top engi brings greased. the tools i bring are phoenix claw, moonshine and parachute. The biggest issue i've had so far is that this ship requires a very skilled crew, a main engi thats good on the hades and a gungineer thats good on the LJ and a gunner thats good with the hwacha at all ranges.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 03:09:02 am »
if you dont know it anymore.

4X sacha hwacha's

always a good support.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 03:34:28 am »
Personally I usually go with a hwacha and carronade on each side, with a gatling on the side and a flamer or such on the back. You usually want something close range with some wide turning arcs on the back for when they sneak behind you. A flamer is nice since it keeps their engi's busy as well, ideally giving you time to turn, or at the very least making them back off.

I tend not to go with full hwachas, they're a fun gun, but there's a long reload on them. So while you can cause lots of disables and damage, if you don't space your shots out, they'll be able to recover most of the damage before the next volley. A carronade can keep the dps going, doing a little more damage to the armor and letting you blast through them with the hwacha. A gatling gun on the side helps a lot too.

Some underused guns are the heavy flaks. Those do huge damage, but tend to be a lot tougher to aim for your crew.

For piloting, I'd bring some kerosene, a phoenix claw, and maybe some bumpers or hydrogen. Usually the bumpers don't come in as handy, but for some reason I run into a lot of ships that like ramming my galleon. One of the weaknesses of the galleon is it's massive balloon. Generally enemies that pop balloons try to stay above you and keep dealing damage to that as they bring you down, safely out of reach. A drogue chute can help with this by slowing your decent (or just bumpers as you scrape the ground).

The galleon isn't a chasing ship, but you can certainly try. A pitfall a lot of new galleon pilots fall for is try to fly up broadside next to an enemy. Most times these enemies don't want that, and make it take too long to pull up right next to them. Instead just barrel straight at them and pull a hard turn when in range. It will really help your crew if your ship comes to a relative stop. Trying to circle around an enemy makes them have to keep guessing where to put their shots to compensate for your movement along with the enemy movement. Try to keep your side guns on them as much as possible, especially that left side for the light gun support. And definitely use that reverse to help slow down your ship to a halt. Just crank it to full forward or reverse when you want to start moving. I see a lot of pilots try to get away with only a little bit of juice, and that's not going to cut it with that ship's mass.

Finally make sure you communicate with your crew. The only person with a decent view on the ship is the mid deck engineer, and they tend to be a little busy. So make sure you have your crew spot and call out enemies and you be sure to tell them which side your plan on putting the enemy on. It'll take some practice to get those gun arcs right. Often times what looks to you like a good angle doesn't quite work, so listen to your crew when they tell you to turn more.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2013, 04:47:16 am »
Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I'll probably ending up using James T. Kirks loadout because.... fire and brawling >:). Found the sniper builds a bit too... quiet and dull for my taste (Too much pyramidion charging)

Offline Kain Phalanx

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2014, 07:59:35 am »
A galleon without a dual flak broadside isn't a galleon.  I liked the stock galleon before arm times messed up the port side.  Now, I'd have to regretfully recommend one hwacha in its place to go with the carronade and gatling.  On the plus side, the mine gun was added and is a great option for the rear gun.  Don't skimp on the rear gun.  The galleon actually has an escape unlike most think and it involves throwing the throttle full forward and leaving the helm to man the rear gun and/or fix the balloon.  The mine is a great deterrent to would be chasers, especially along with a tar cloud and maybe Lochnager ammo, so that you can get your ship back in working order.  Attempting a turning battle with a close enemy while your components are going down is a lost cause.

Offline TheSovietKlondikeBar

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2014, 11:13:32 am »
As for my suggestion, I fly a Galleon with Gat/Hwacha/Hwacha on one side, Flak/Flak on the other, and Flamer in the back. As for pilot tools, I use Kerosene, Phoenix Claw, and either Chute Vent or Hydrogen. I ram often as a Galleon, when tactically advisable (or if I'm being crazy), and then open up with the Gat and Hwachas. Two Hwachas may be redundant, however depending on the situation, you can fire them separately for disabling power or together for a respectable amount of killing power. Especially with the Gat mixed in. For the Hwachas I suggest Heavy for long range (if you don't/can't use your Flak cannons), Burst (for disabling overkill), and Charged for that wonderful killing potential. Remember that your Gunner can preload ammos into guns. On a Galleon, USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. The Flak side can offer long range support/killing power, as the raw damage that Flaks provide can actually do respectable damage to the Hull (especially since you have two of them), and once the Hull is down GG.

Also, a funny thing to report. A Buffed Heavy Flak with a Lochnagar shot can destroy any Hull bar a Galleon. If my math is correct, it does 1132 damage to Hull Health, which is more than the second highest Hull Health (Goldfish) at 1100 and 268 lower than the Galleon at 1400. A unbuffed Heavy Flak shot with normal rounds does 462 damage to Hull Health.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2014, 11:25:37 am »
Would give you the tip to switch one flak to a lumberjack. THat way you get a decent ability to shred armor with the collision/ shatter dmg of the lumberjack and still enough killing power with the flak.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2014, 12:35:58 pm »
Depends on what you are up against. If I am fighting a Blenderfish, all gats on small guns, double hwacha left side, double Hellhound right. Drogue Chute, Impact bumpers, and Claw. You don't have to move fast, as they will always come to you. When your balloon gets popped (it always will), hit the chute, bring ALL of your crew topside and have one engie stay on the balloon while the other jumps from hull to balloon to fixing guns. Ignore your lower deck for now. If your balloon is down enough that you are about to hit the ground, make sure you are not moving and switch to bumpers. Use your gats to disable the main gun on the Goldfish. This gives you the time to fix your balloon, raise up a bit while your crew dashes for lower guns, and then eat fish for lunch.

Offline TheSovietKlondikeBar

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Re: Galleon Load outs
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2014, 01:44:34 pm »
Would give you the tip to switch one flak to a lumberjack. THat way you get a decent ability to shred armor with the collision/ shatter dmg of the lumberjack and still enough killing power with the flak.
I did try this initially, however the Lumby is harder to hit with than the Flak (even though that is already a hard gun to hit with), so I put it on for people who aren't as experienced with the long range heavy mounts, as well as another thing.

Two Flaks deal such a raw amount of damage that one clip from each of them can take out at least half of a ship's armor with just normal rounds. A Lumby is better for reducing balloon and armor, yes, but if you stay within the range of two Flaks, just by spamming shots at the hull you will cause permanent damage and even destroy a ship with one volley. And also, I don't know if this was a bug, but Heavy Flaks light fires without Incendiary.

Lumby is for players with finesse. I ain't fancy, I just got big guns and a reason to shoot at ya. :D

I also do not like balloon popping weapons and Squids. I prefer to fight "honorably". :P *shot*