As someone who hasn't played in about a year, there is one, huge, glaring issue that I can't believe hasn't been fixed/was unnecessarily changed. That is Lesmok ammo only giving one ammo cap to the Heavy Flak.
*Jackie Chan wtf face*
I see there has been some discussion on it, but I can't fathom how it's not in a dedicated thread on the number 1 thread on the front page. So I'm posting it here. Fix it. Two shots are required. This is seriously hotfix worthy.
Atleast two shots are required for accurate fire at range. I imagine that's why the field gun has 2 shots to begin with if not the heavy flak as well, so I'm wondering how this was forgotten. If the pilot does ANYTHING then your first shot is thrown off. If you only have one get to try again in five seconds when the situation has changed yet again. A second shot atleast gives you partial effectiveness. If we wanted all or nothing we'd use Lochnager.
This isn't even so much about damage. I'd rather have -50% damage dealt (because that's about what it equates to which is obscene) than only one shot.
I hear this is about nerfing the field gun; don't care. There are other ways to do it. Calling it a nerf, and it being so severe, also gives away the argument about "Lesmok being a no-brainer for a gun being a design flaw" because now it's a no-brainer NOT to use Lesmok on a heavy flak. I thought you wanted to increase options? You've only limited them more.
Get it done.