Qwerty that's a best case scenario build, but worst case it's gonna struggle. First off, your right side has no fire protection. If you need to rely on your top gunner to run all the way to the right side to take care of fires, that is a loss of efficiency. IF he can even put the fires out with that chem spray. And if your top gunner is not shooting non stop, your losing that near constant dps a mobula needs. The mobulas strength is fire superiority. It walks a tight-rope of what repairs are essential, so I can have more guns shooting than the opponent. As soon as repairs start happening, and guns stop firing, that ship becomes a large target without any threat.
I would almost always run a standard engineer on both wings, who can be self-sufficient. IF you just have to have that buff, have the top guy take it, it's better he's running around buffing in non fighting times than running around chem spraying during fights.