What:A weekly, open-to-all lobby. In addition to the games, there will also be a spreadsheet available which will track participant’s win/loss record while playing in the games. The matches will be 2v2, if eventually it's popular enough I may make it 3v3.
Where:In game it will be called Tuesday Night Fight Cast. The games will also be streamed at
http://www.twitch.tv/imagine42When:Every Tuesday, 5pm-8pm PST (the end times can vary, but thereabouts). The first one will occur on 9/3/13.
Why:Partly for myself to practice casting, but also because I think it can be a fun thing to look forward to.
Additional Details:1. In addition to streaming the matches, I will also track win/loss stats. This google drive spreadsheet will list win/loss based on a captain’s ship, map, and a combination of the two, as well as ones for engineers and gunners. The engineer and gunner stats won’t also be categorized by ship and map as I feel that is largely irrelevant, but also doing the same combination for every job type would start to get to be way too much work.
Spreadsheet link:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApeYvav5m3zWdFZkWVBoLWJCNjlqQWNkZGpPM3JNM2c&usp=sharing2. I realize this time is not so EU friendly, and all I can say is sorry, but I have a day job thus I can only run these at about the time I listed above.
3. Casting will be done by myself, but I may also have some special guest casters on every now and then!
4. While I’m planning on keeping the lobby open for all (this is not meant to be a tournament of any sorts), if a couple of teams wish to use it to play some scrims, please contact me at least a day beforehand to discuss that possibility.
5. If anyone has any questions feel free to respond here or to send me a message… otherwise I hope to see everyone out there on Tuesdays!