Author Topic: Anti-Personnel Ammunition  (Read 5516 times)

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Anti-Personnel Ammunition
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:38:47 am »
Just some random musings and food for thought, not really expecting anything here...

The ammo types attack every element of the ship, except for the crew. I would not suggest having any type of round that would kill crew members. However, a valid tactic in many games is to temporarily disorientate the enemy with items such as flash-bangs, toxic gas, and tear gas. These effects would not last long (Less than three seconds).

These types of ammo would only work in mortar-type guns or flame-throwers (with other particle effects like green flames), would do zero damage to hull or components, but just might even the field a bit against those crack shots that seem to be able to hit anything even with a blindfold on. .

Suggested modifiers:

Clip size and velocity would be severely reduced.

Flash-bangs- double vision, ringing ears - <1 second duration

Stink bombs- strange colors, wavy vision - <2 second duration - if gun is damaged with ammo loaded, effects gunner (as if your ship was hit)

Tear Gas - blurry vision - least disorientating - 3 second duration - if gun is damaged with ammo loaded, effects gunner

Areas of effect:

Hull hits- slightly disorient pilot. Can't see 'targets' or hits on enemy ships until effect passes. Multiple hits would increase the effect.

Gun hits- disorient seated gunner (possibly unseat as if gun were destroyed?) Disorient Engineer with part in focus (fixing or buffing). Can't see 'targets' or hits on enemy ships until effect passes.

Vacant gun hits- Disorient Engineer with part in focus (fixing or buffing), Can't see 'targets' or hits on enemy ships until effect passes, otherwise, no effect

Balloon hits- no effect

Engine hits- Disorient Engineer with part in focus (fixing or buffing), Can't see 'targets' or hits on enemy ships until effect passes.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 12:47:29 am by Richard LeMoon »

Offline dasfoxx

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Re: Anti-Personnel Ammunition
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2013, 12:54:17 am »
Being able to attack crew members has been proposed before. The problem with such a thing is that the game is based around the ships, not crew members. If you were able to target crew that would completely change the game how it is and change the focus. With the suggested weapons, one ship would probably take anti-personal and make it so crew can't do anything while another ship would take heavy firepower and finish them off while they're helpless.

Interesting effects though, but there'd be no way to balance any form of attack on the crew with the game being so heavily based on the ships themselves


Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Anti-Personnel Ammunition
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2013, 01:08:30 am »
Agreed. That is why the effects would be have to be so limited. The worst for me would be not being able to see target hits, but a good crew can overcome that. The rest is a bit of psychedelic post-processing. :D

Being a team game of multiple ships, the best matches I have seen are ones that have ships specifically made for disabling paired with ships made for heavy damage up close. I really see no difference, as the crew is part of the ship.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anti-Personnel Ammunition
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2013, 04:38:55 am »
Stink I love it. Finally my Spire named Fecal Matter would have a very literal meaning :D

"We're in a tight spot crew. Quick...load the Lumberjack with the "special" rounds!!"
*Meanwhile on the enemy Pyra*
"Alright only the Spire is left, lets ram him with all we..."
"Capt!! We've been hit...the guns, they're clogged with...pooo!!"
*A barrage of shots rain in*
"Oh god its everywhere!!! Why did Muse put this in game...WHY!!!"
*Crew jumps overboard*