The United Brony Clans is recruiting members for Guns of Icarus Online! Join your Brony Brethren and take to the skies.
The United Brony Clans is an online community consisting of members who share a passion for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and is dedicated to games such as Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and World of Tanks, among many other games as well. More information can be found on our Website. UBC was founded on the idea that Communication is Key, which is why we require our members to join our Mumble Server. Mumble is a low latency, live voice communication program that enables us to have an edge in every game we play.
We also plan on doing some competitive games with other clans as well later on.
We hope that you join us and help us expand our ever growing Brony Community.
Mumble Info:
Port: 64737