What is it ye be sayin'?
The rumours tell of a great monster roaming the night skies.
With it's noodly tentacles and the enormous meatballs filling his body and it's eyes pointing out like those of a sea serpent, making all those believe who deny him.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one and only allmighty force in this universe!
But beware!
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is never allone.
A small group of believers always protect FSM with mighty ships and sails as black as the night, they follow him on his journey both to protect and show they're faith.
These sky pirates only listen to and obbey commands of FSM and they call themselves The Pastafarians.
Ofcourse they often recruit new members to help them on they're everlasting quest of justice, so if u ar interested be sure to come and play with us

I'm shovin' off ye scurvy dogs!
All hail to The Flying Spaghetti Monster
[--- to be continued---]
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