Author Topic: Leaver penalty  (Read 67238 times)

Offline Zenark

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2013, 03:55:14 pm »
Out of all the suggestions posted, I find that the idea of someone being 'unable to join another match until the one they left ended', sounds best.

For people leaving for an emergency, they obviously won't be back. People who leave because of griefing have to deal with a minor inconvenience. The only players really affected would be people who rage quit constantly since most of their time in GoIO will be on the main menu.

If I were to quit for whatever reason, I'd have no problem waiting for 10-15 minutes. I could go get something to drink, munchies, smoke break, restroom break, etc.

Offline Riley Thomson

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2013, 04:16:28 pm »
I am a bit confused by how you guys keep referring to the idea suggested here as punishment, while it is not.

Let me explain again and hopefully you will see it is NOT a punishment.
If you leave a match, you cannot join another match untill the match you've left has ended. However, you can still at any time choose to reconnect to the match you've left.

Few facts about above explained suggested rule:
- This does NOT prevent you from being able to play the game, as you can always return to the match you've disconnected from.
- This will make people less likely to leave a match, cause if they do, they cannot join another/ different match.
- When you need to leave because of IRL things, you'll have no bother by this rule, because by the time you would be back, the match has long finished already.

Also, I like you guys doing some brainstorming on this problem, but please: STOP trying to defend people that leave matches, may it be ragequit, IRL issues or anything else. We're not punishing them because we're not banning them for leaving. We are just preventing them from being able to join another match till the one they left ended.

Also I do not at all think that it is a good idea to search for the solution for this problem at the people who DO play matches till the end, since these are not the people that cause the problem. The solution to this problem should be focussed at the people that cause the problem, thus the leavers.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 04:27:21 pm by Riley Thomson »

Offline Duzzyy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2013, 04:34:35 pm »
Banning people for simply leaving is what LoL does, which I think is a really bad way of doing things and so I think the best thing would be to reward good players

Offline Riley Thomson

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2013, 04:37:28 pm »
Banning people for simply leaving is what LoL does, which I think is a really bad way of doing things and so I think the best thing would be to reward good players

Please read what I just said above you...

We're not punishing them because we're not banning them for leaving.

Offline Duzzyy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2013, 06:05:36 pm »
Ok, so allow me to understand this

Your saying that if we're not banning people we're not punishing them? or am I still not understanding because this would bring me back to my point of banning people being harsh

Offline Riley Thomson

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2013, 06:50:49 pm »
Banning people is preventing them to play the game, so no we're not banning them.

We're stopping them from joining another match if they have left a match that is still in progress, and we give them the oppertunity to reconnect to that match.

Offline Kharthynogus

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2013, 07:26:16 pm »

Overall, I agree that we should focus on rewarding loyal players instead of punishing disloyal ones. I just came from a match where two crewmen constantly badmouthed their captain to the point where the captain left right after their next death. Can you really blame him for that?

There are a lot of reasons to leave a game from raging, getting bullied by crews, getting stuck with teams that do not take the match seriously, or an emergency in real life. The fact is we cannot punish people for leaving because we do not know the reason why they leave some of the times. A reward system would be better then a reputation system in this case. I personally do not want to get bad reputation score for having to rush a family member to the hospital.

The only way you'd have a bad rep is if you ran people to the hospital for like 50% of your matches (in which case you should have a bad rep anyways for even attempting to play a computer game in the middle of a friggin' war zone). You'd easily be in the >90% range. Those >90% players' abandoned games would only be for things like emergencies and crap-I-gotta-go moments.

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2013, 12:28:04 am »
positive feedback trumps negative feedback everytime.

If the game rewards you for good conduct, people will exhibit good conduct.

Offline Swizy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2013, 03:39:03 am »
Like Zenark said I thing a time ban from the game sounds the best. Perhaps like in a good sports game. If you leave a game the first time you'll get nothing. The next time you'll get a yellow card and you have to wait a certain amount of time to reconnect. The last time in a row you get a red card and will be prohibited from playing the game for a greater amount of time.

If it gets a reputation of a player he will be punished for that by preventing him to be a bad teamplayer. The amount of foul cards given out could be ruled. Such as if you rage quit three times in an hour you get the red card. or simply three times in row and you get red.

Offline Duzzyy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2013, 04:17:36 am »
Although I feel that the feedback rating on a player may be the best way to go to see if your team mate is likely to leave but even if you get someone like that with low rep there is currently nothing in place to avoid having that person on your team other than changing matches. So I feel that the only way that system would work would be if Muse added a crew vote kick system

But that said, Muse has already said they don't want to add that system in because it can be easily abused.

The only way that anything can work is with a bit of balance for punishing leavers and rewarding good players. If this were TF2 you could just give the good players a hat and the whole world would play properly

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2013, 04:41:59 am »
Although I feel that the feedback rating on a player may be the best way to go to see if your team mate is likely to leave but even if you get someone like that with low rep there is currently nothing in place to avoid having that person on your team other than changing matches.

use the Form Crew function that way you have much more say over who you crew with.

Offline Duzzyy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2013, 04:52:35 am »
Although I feel that the feedback rating on a player may be the best way to go to see if your team mate is likely to leave but even if you get someone like that with low rep there is currently nothing in place to avoid having that person on your team other than changing matches.

use the Form Crew function that way you have much more say over who you crew with.

For myself I do, but it's the crew on the other ship on my team that normally leaves, a 2 on 1 isn't much fun

Offline Duzzyy

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2013, 08:10:51 am »
I never get it on my own ship due to the fact I play with people I know. But when everyone on the other ship leaves it makes any game mode really hard to play

So a punishment for leaving really early in a game should be put in place

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2013, 09:27:56 am »
Those of us suggesting a positive approach are looking at a perspective like this: I'd much rather see a system that encourages people to stay over punishing them for leaving. Don't react to the problem, but instead take the proactive approach to avoid it.

Even if you make it so they have to wait till a match is over, and 2v1/3v2 game isn't going to take long, and the people still in there aren't going to have a good time. The leavers aren't going to rejoin because they already made that choice. They will take that break for food, stretching, ect.

Any reputation system will have this problem:

Although I feel that the feedback rating on a player may be the best way to go to see if your team mate is likely to leave but even if you get someone like that with low rep there is currently nothing in place to avoid having that person on your team other than changing matches. So I feel that the only way that system would work would be if Muse added a crew vote kick system

But that said, Muse has already said they don't want to add that system in because it can be easily abused.

So then you get stuck into a lobby that never starts because this guy on team x has a bad reputation, that may or may not be warranted.


Offline Cloudrunner

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Re: Leaver penalty
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2013, 09:34:16 am »
Those of us suggesting a positive approach are looking at a perspective like this: I'd much rather see a system that encourages people to stay over punishing them for leaving. Don't react to the problem, but instead take the proactive approach to avoid it.

Even if you make it so they have to wait till a match is over, and 2v1/3v2 game isn't going to take long, and the people still in there aren't going to have a good time. The leavers aren't going to rejoin because they already made that choice. They will take that break for food, stretching, ect.

Any reputation system will have this problem:

Although I feel that the feedback rating on a player may be the best way to go to see if your team mate is likely to leave but even if you get someone like that with low rep there is currently nothing in place to avoid having that person on your team other than changing matches. So I feel that the only way that system would work would be if Muse added a crew vote kick system

But that said, Muse has already said they don't want to add that system in because it can be easily abused.

So then you get stuck into a lobby that never starts because this guy on team x has a bad reputation, that may or may not be warranted.


All hail Zill, the wise and powerful!