Shaelyn, not only do you know my super secret techniques to screen shotting (spam f12) but I am sure you've been doing more pics than me for the competition!
*puts on super serious competitive cap.*
Also, amazing shot! Good work
LOL! I actually had quite a few really good ones from last year, before the competition was announced...but those were on my old setup with some crappy resolution, anti-aliasing off, etc. fun fact: last year I took "the best of the best" screenshots up to work to set as rotating desktop wallpapers. I ended up with 250 of them. granted though, the majority of those were spring green victory screens.
but yeah, mostly I've just thrown some of the stuff I already had at the guys for the screenshot drive. was actually really surprised Keyvias featured some of them; I didn't forward the shots to them for the competition specifically. mostly I take a crapton of screenshots to put up on our instagram. but if a fight's what you want... *puts on boxing gloves* *holds finger eagerly over F12 key* *hey shaelyn, how do you type with boxing gloves on?*
Spamming f12 is pretty much what professional photographers do.
aye, pretty much, I realize that XD