Author Topic: Single ship type matches and old players as new captains 12pm - 2pm GMT+0  (Read 15906 times)

Offline Calico Jack

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In timeslot 12pm - 2pm GMT+0 most days I will be organising single ship type matches. My main intention is to give players who would like to captain, but aren't secure enough in their own skills to do so in a regular match, which means levels 1-3 AS CAPTAIN, so all you level 12 gunners who have never flown out of fear of losing face - this is your chance :).  To get around the level capping I'll be using the "Form Crew" lobby so use click to join when I start spamming chat about it.

Higher level captains are welcome to join as advisors but preferably only 1 per ship, let me know if you want to help out either here or in-game.

Offline Calico Jack

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btw is there any possible way to get links to work in chat? I realise it's probably an anti spam measure but I have a quickstart guide up on the steam hub which covers basic game play and copying out of the chat window doesn't seem possible.

Offline Calico Jack

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the first session starts in approx 30 minutes from now at 12:15 pm GMT+0

Offline ramjamslam

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Excellent work Jack!  I was spectating and took a series of screenshots from a couple of the matches featuring the veteran captains: Calico Jack, Captain Lockheart, Captain Pheonix, Captain Coldcurse & Psycho Dude.  Images are here:

« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 10:12:12 am by ramjamslam »

Offline N-Sunderland

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Out of curiosity, Calico Jack, why did you bring a pipe wrench on a Goldfish? With 400 armour, the mallet is more efficient on that ship.

Offline Calico Jack

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Out of curiosity, Calico Jack, why did you bring a pipe wrench on a Goldfish? With 400 armour, the mallet is more efficient on that ship.

It's a theory I'm testing for countering gatling attacks on hulls - the mallet repairs more but takes 9 seconds to cool down, by which time the hull may be going down - I've seen captains recommending spanners in that situation but they don't seem to work for me. I'm still undecided if it's better or not.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Out of curiosity, Calico Jack, why did you bring a pipe wrench on a Goldfish? With 400 armour, the mallet is more efficient on that ship.

It's a theory I'm testing for countering gatling attacks on hulls - the mallet repairs more but takes 9 seconds to cool down, by which time the hull may be going down - I've seen captains recommending spanners in that situation but they don't seem to work for me. I'm still undecided if it's better or not.

Interesting. I'll check that one out.

Offline Calico Jack

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Excellent work Jack!  I was spectating and took a series of screenshots from a couple of the matches featuring the veteran captains: Calico Jack, Captain Lockheart, Captain Pheonix, Captain Coldcurse & Psycho Dude.  Images are here:

Thanks RamJam - can I add them to the steam thread on this?

It was the first time I'd tried this with party chat and "Join Crew" so there were some teething problems, but on the whole I felt it was a good session, names to watch out for: Sissel and GameDude

Offline naufrago

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Out of curiosity, Calico Jack, why did you bring a pipe wrench on a Goldfish? With 400 armour, the mallet is more efficient on that ship.

It's a theory I'm testing for countering gatling attacks on hulls - the mallet repairs more but takes 9 seconds to cool down, by which time the hull may be going down - I've seen captains recommending spanners in that situation but they don't seem to work for me. I'm still undecided if it's better or not.

The thing is, 5 secs is too long to wait for repairs when youre under fire. A heavy clip'd gatling can take down a goldfish's armor in under 5 secs, even if it's buffed (assuming no repairs, or repairs are on cd). To survive 1 full heavy clip'd gat magazine in a goldfish, you need buffed armor and a mallet hit (and 1 or 2 spanner hits), or pray that the enemy gunner misses/gets disabled/hits the front gun for about .5 secs. Also pray that nothing else is helping to chip away at your armor, because you'll be in a world of hurt.

Some math- a heavy clip'd gat will deal 765 damage per magazine to armor. Goldfish has 400 armor, 520 when buffed. 520 armor + 250 armor (from mallet hit) = 770 armor. An unbuffed goldfish should have its armor taken out with just 1 magazine of gat fire, but a buffed goldfish will just barely live through it if you get a mallet hit in (and 2 spanner hits before that mallet hit will optimize armor uptime).

This is all assuming that the enemy is ONLY firing 1 gat with heavy clip at you. Even assuming the enemy misses a fair bit, mallet/spanner is best for repairs. You can't beat the low cd of the spanner and the efficiency and repair strength of the mallet.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 02:12:35 pm by naufrago »

Offline ramjamslam

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Thanks RamJam - can I add them to the steam thread on this?

It was the first time I'd tried this with party chat and "Join Crew" so there were some teething problems, but on the whole I felt it was a good session, names to watch out for: Sissel and GameDude

Sure, do whatever you like with them Jack :)

Offline Calico Jack

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I probably muddied the waters by saying hull - when I actually meant I'm theorising about the initial damage to hull armour, based on the shorter cool down of the wrench, rather than it's healing properties.

Two hits of the mallet will take 9 seconds + your reaction time for the second hit, where as 2 hits from the wrench will take 5 seconds + reaction time, while the repair done will be less for the wrench, it will give you back a chunk of hull armour quicker than waiting for the mallet cooldown. As I say I'm merely testing it out and I'm still not convinced myself that it is a good strategy.

Offline Calico Jack

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is there anyway to get events frontpaged on the Steam hub as the users are most likely to be interested in getting some training.

Offline Calico Jack

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is there anyway to get events frontpaged on the Steam hub as the users are most likely to be interested in getting some training.

I contacted Keyvias about this directly through Steam chat and he's generously offered to pin (steam's version of sticky) stuff on the GoIOL hub.

Offline naufrago

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...while the repair done will be less for the wrench, it will give you back a chunk of hull armour quicker than waiting for the mallet cooldown.

errr... no, it won't. 1x mallet hit = 250hp. 2x wrench hits = 240hp. And the mallet's healing is all frontloaded [this actually gives me an idea for a new repair tool...], so you don't have to wait 5secs. And you'll get a second mallet hit in before you'll be able to get a 3rd or 4th wrench hit in. If you're talking about only using the wrench, it's sub-optimal. If you're talking about using a wrench AND a mallet, it's still suboptimal since the goldfish's armor can break during the 5sec cd before you have a chance to get the mallet hit in.

Sorry for derailing the thread, btw =p

EDIT: I think I just realized what you actually meant. Since you can use the wrench for its full effect sooner than you can use the mallet for its full effect, it might be better. I still disagree, due to how the goldfish's armor can break before you get a chance to repair again. Besides, the spanner is just too useful for repairing and rebuilding to pass up as main engi.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:29:56 pm by naufrago »