I have some suggestions for communication easement in the game. I guess some of them are considered since they are somewhat obvious. Most of it is just for the captain. Just let me get through each point:
Kick/Lock/Ban function for slots in Lobby(for the captain)
You're in a lobby, you're the captain and following scenarios can happen in each game:
-Some really annoying guy (like he wants to make you mad/ has no mic/ understands no english/ doesn't play as a team, you name the reasons) shows up and you have no force at all to get rid of him. Kick him and your good. Maybe even a voting system could work. But in my eyes the captain should be in charge of that decision.
-A buddy of yours gets a disco and someone else takes the spot (in game or lobby). This arrogant slot stealer (A.S.S.) doesn't move after your buddy came back and you can't play with him anymore 
These kinda problems can be solved by a Kick system (from the pilot) a ban system (voting by the lobby) or simply a locking ability to lock the spots on your ship till your friends show up (lobby and in game).
Visualisation of different chats (Party/captain/crew) (just like party chat is purple) +volume control
this one i'm sure is already in consideration. A simply way to give an indication who on which chat in game is talking. Simplest way would be to use colours for that. Such as purple for party chat (just like in the chat window) and any cool of choice for the other two.
in addition it would be cool to have a volume control so that for example crew chat volume will the lowered to captain chat.
Primary targeting (indicator like in Portal 2)In eve online we had this window visible by everybody in the fleet. it helped you to target a primary ship so everybody will shoot at the same guy. something like that would be very useful in many situation just to eliminate any misunderstandings. In game I could imagine the indicator the look similar to the portal 2 co-op pointing sign (just a simply circle for visualisation). It shows up briefly for everybody on your team to focus fire on one guy.
Scrolling ability in chatyeah i think somebody mentioned that before already. scrolling in game just like the in these valve games would be very great. There are not many situations where you can't live with that but still. It's something that in my opinion should be considered.
who got the last shot??? (kills in chat)Please tell me, Many times when you play competitive with your teammates we want to know who got the last kill. Implement kills in chat or something, I just want to know WHO GOT THE LAST ONE. THX
I know some of these have their downsides. Just like everything does. Though im confident that these chances would benefit my gameplay.
Thanks for your time!