Author Topic: What did you name your ship and why?  (Read 277000 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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What did you name your ship and why?
« on: February 27, 2013, 12:10:25 pm »
To get things rolling here are mine:

Squid - The Bonny Liz
Named after my wife who is both bonny and Liz. She is small, fast, incredibly aggressive, and likes fighting inside her opponents preferred engagement distance. Also the ship is equipped with mostly close range weaponry.

Goldfish - Golden Phoenix
Back before the last patch I had flame throwers on either side. I would occasionally ask my engineers to light them up and flap them up and down to simulate Phoenix wings. Possibly due for a renaming as I now have banshees on the side.

Pyramidion - Mo' Dakka Dakka Dakka
Named after the sound an Orkish automatic weapon makes. I put a lot of chainguns and light flack on this ship because I like the sound of the Dakka. I also have the the tendency to ram things and talk like an Ork while flying this ship. The latest build has less Dakka and may be due for renaming.

Junker - Slim Jim
Named because its hull is so thin when viewed from profile. Used to counter-snipe Galleons ineffectively.

Spire - Every Shot a Killshot
Named because unless my gunners made every shot a hit, this ship was going to die badly when attacked by faster, smaller, or more durable opponents.

Galleon - Vulgaris Magistralis
Named after the Viking Metal Ballard "Vulgaris Magistralis." It is Latin for either "teacher of the common" or "master of vulgarity" which is pretty fitting either way.
Here is a youtube clip of the song:

Offline Pickle

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 12:31:39 pm »
Junker - Knifefighter
I initially saw the Junker in a close-quarters tank role and picked the name accordingly.  I played that role a lot with it, but now it seems a little odd as I favour the long-range support role for the Junker.

Goldfish - Gunboat Diplomat
A bit of a late-C19/early-C20 take on a Iain M Banks Culture style of ship name.  Most of the best Culture ship names fall foul of the character limit, or require certain sense of humour to get.  At one time I did desginate ship names ROU, MOU, etc.

Pyramidion - Midnight Cowgirl
I have no idea what I was thinking, alcohol may have been involved.  You can take this one as risque as you like, the double entendre may have been intended.

Squid - Covert Diplomat
A bit of a play on the Goldfish name, suggesting it's fast and stealthy approach through the clouds to deliver sneaky attacks before sprinting to safety.

Galleon - Windjammer
Just a classic name for a Galleon.  Nothing particularly original.

Spire - Spire
I haven't got around to naming a spire, it's not a ship I take out of the hanger.  One day it will get a name.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 02:46:20 pm »
Junker - Cloud Whaler
Nothing is greater, no foe more terrible, then the Cloud Whale.  It rises from the Blue with a ferocious shout, sundering the quiet still with a mighty crash that splinters hulls and ruptures balloons.  He runs fore, and his eye is a furious light of hell deep in the sand storms that whip up from the Burren likes Gods wrath on Saddam and Gomorrah.  I hunt these beasts, with lead and fire, with the blood and sweat of men.  I will sacrifice it all to bring the beast low, none shall ever be safe whilst I live to draw breath and pull a trigger.

Galleon - Cloud Whale
A big, slow moving tyrant of the deep blue who moves through the skies like a lumbering beast, the report of the twin heavy flaks the mournful song of war that echoes out into the heavens.

Goldfish - Hold Fast
I was in the United States Navy, I name the Goldfish in honor of that service.

Squid - Harpooner
Fly fast, strike true, bite deep.  It is the prayer every strong arm shouts over the crash of cross winds and report of weapons fire when he sends forth a lance of fire into the meaty hull of his enemy.  She takes her name from the Gunners that man this small life boat in the perilous blue.  I salute you, Gunner.

Pyramidion - Albatross
It is thought that an Albatross that follows a ship out to sea is an omen of good luck.  So don't shoot her down, less you find the bowsprit of my hull buried into your flank and I force you to wear it as penance. (Salutes to anyone who gets it)

Spire - Twisting Eel
She moves fast, side to side, spinning about like a twister before striking out with a sudden and devastating bite.  The viper of the blue, the Eel.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 02:54:26 pm »
Pyramidion - Albatross
It is thought that an Albatross that follows a ship out to sea is an omen of good luck.  So don't shoot her down, less you find the bowsprit of my hull buried into your flank and I force you to wear it as penance. (Salutes to anyone who gets it)

This brought me back to 10th grade English. Thanks for the fond memories :)

*Edit* This is from the Mariner for those curious
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 03:12:23 pm by Shinkurex »

Offline Yiski

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 04:03:24 pm »
Squid - Kyllo
U.S. Supreme Court case holding since the police did not have a warrant for the use of a thermal imaging device, which was not commonly available to the public, the search was presumptively unreasonable and therefore unconstitutional.

Goldfish - M'Naghten
Old English case which establishes whether the defense of insanity is met.

Spire - Marbury
U.S. Supreme Court case which established judicial review, the ability of the Court to determine whether a law is constitutional.

Junker - Gant
U.S. Supreme Court case holding once an arrestee is handcuffed and secured, search incident to lawful arrest is invalid and police must show a continuing threat to justify a vehicle search.

Pyramidion - Katz
U.S. Supreme Court case holding the Fourth Amendment gives individuals a right to privacy against government intrusion.

Galleon - Mendenhall
U.S. Supreme Court case holding a person has been “seized” within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment only if, in view of all of the circumstances surrounding the incident, a reasonable person would have believed that he was not free to leave.

If you couldn't tell already, I'm a law student.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2013, 04:06:26 pm »
I gave my ships stupid Latin names (after the SMAC tag).

Goldfish: SMAC Segem Fies (You Will Become The Harvest). Terrible name for a ship.

Pyra: SMAC Aegyptiacus (Egyptian)

Galleon: SMAC Maneo in Caelo (I remain in the sky). New character limit broke this.

Junker: SMAC Asinus (Donkey). Yeah, that was back when Junkers were useless.

Squid: SMAC Spes Victoriae (Hope of victory)

Spire: I don't actually know.

I rarely fly anyways, so nobody gets to see my bad ship names.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2013, 01:34:32 am »
This may sound nerdy or geeky to some but my ship names came from lego ships that i made when i was younger and it revolved around Star Wars. (i was really into the movies when i was younger thus creating spaceships out of legos, i was around 8 i believe.)

Goldfish: Starlight: Named it this as its one of the nicest looking ship out in the gameand it aptly fit its name. Also its lego predecessor was one of my finest creations.

Pyramidion: Comet: Since i come in guns blazin' why not name something that looks like a fireball.

Junker: Nebula: Since its one of the most versitile, just like a nebula being mostly gas, it can become anything.

Galleon: SuperNova: Almost like a typical galleon name since supernovas are huge and explosive.

Spire: WhiteDwarf: I usually run this ship far from battle sniping, isolated and alone, like a white dwarf is.(also the balloon gave me the idea for the name.

Squid: SolarFlare: Since the squids are fast and can support fire type weapons, guess you can see where i named it from.

Basically almost all names that comes from space :P

Offline Jazzza

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2013, 06:00:47 am »
Down The Toilet
<3 Goldfish

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 04:13:07 am »
My ships mostly have fun names

goldfish: Nike - it is the name I allways put to my "Flagship" and is named after ancient greek alegory of Victory

junker: Flaming Bedrolls - this name comes from a d&d related story of someone who kept throwing flaming bedrolls at people - the junker's baloon looks like a huge bedroll and it looks very flamable

pyramidion: Unsung Hero (full name: Unsing Hero (now with 400% more spears!) ) - this ship had the default name for the longest time, and when friends from King's Gambit start calling my junker Unsing Hero I suddenly had a great name, but I didn't want to rename the Flaming Bedrolls

spire: Flying Snail - sort of reminds me of a snail - with the baloon being the shell and hull being the body.

galleon: Cheeseburgers (long name: Can I Have Cheeseburgers plx? ) - galleon is probably the cheesiest ship in the game

squid: Parvus Major - it was originaly called Drunken Fish, becouse it handles like it's drunken (due to its extremely high radial acceleration), but for sake of clarity (ie. to prevent missunderstandings); the current name comes form a very common European and central-Asian bird species: Great Tits

Offline Queso

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 12:20:15 pm »
I named my goldfish Dusk's Light because of best pony. I named my Spire the Ice Cream Cone for obvious reasons.

Offline Chango

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2013, 10:23:13 am »
Squid : The Owls Head
        Named after the town along the Maine coast that my wife and I have a family cottage, which we had our wedding at. The town is home to a transportation museum, so antique cars and airplanes(even bi-planes!) are always around. Lots of sailboats pass by on their way to Rockland.

Goldfish - The Ifrit : Named after the Final Fantasy's fire guardian Ifrit. Always packing flamethrowers and having to slam opponents when needed.

Pyramidion - The Bahamut : Named after Final Fantasy's King of Dragons Bahamut. The shape of the pyra reminds me of a dragon's head.

Junker - The Highwind : Yeah I'm not very original... Final Fantasy VII's famous airship.

Spire : Usually a joke name, currently - Chango Unchained

Galleon: Originally known as The Behemoth, I changed the name to The Goliath when I joined The Gentlemen.

Offline Commissar AJ

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2013, 04:28:50 pm »
Squid: Spirit of Dyxy (Dixie)
My dog's name is Dixie, and seeing that the ship was fast and excellent at high-maneuverability harassment, it seemed fitting.

Goldfish: Little Wyvrn
The inspiration came from the old F-Zero X games, namely James McCloud's machine.  But being that a Wyvrn (Wyvern) is a mythical, winged dragon, it seemed to fit.

Galleon: Steadfast Allegiance
As I saw the Galleon isn't one for moving at all, hence Steadfast, and Allegiance referring to staying loyal to the task at hand (pwnin n00bz lawl).

Junker: Leviathan
" kind of looks like a whale..."

Spire: Derp of Days Yon
I dislike the Spire.  No offense to those who prefer it, but I don't like the layout, I don't like the way it handles, I don't like the way it looks.  Plus they just seem to go down as if they're made of tin foil.  I don't play with this airship.

Pyramidion: Loyalty
I've always liked the single-adjective names for ships.  So I picked the one adjective I admire most in others, and try to follow in myself.
It's also a reference to something else... That's all I'm going to say about that.

Offline SeaMichelle

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2013, 05:15:01 pm »
All my ships have the prefix "IAS Silver" because "IAS" = "Icarus Airship" and I think "silver xxxxx" sounds cool. Silver Surfer, can't go wrong with that. And their names are all related to the ship.

Junker - Scrap, because "junk". I know. I'm super clever and original.
Pyra - Dagger, because it looks like a dagger...
Goldfish - Swimmer. Do I need to explain?
Spire - Tower. It's a flying tower. Not a ship. Wulfies don't fly towers.
Galleon - Monster. Because it's big...
Squid - Dinner. For the other team.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2013, 11:18:23 pm »
Junker: Leviathan
" kind of looks like a whale..."

My junker and your junker are going to have a little talk.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2013, 08:51:13 am »
Pyramidion: Loyalty
I've always liked the single-adjective names for ships.  So I picked the one adjective I admire most in others, and try to follow in myself.
It's also a reference to something else... That's all I'm going to say about that.
