Click here for tournament rules:,1482.0.htmlTournament date: friday 5th of July
Tournament start time: 4pm EST / 10pm CET (please be present 15 minutes before start)
Signed up Teams:Museosaurs
Merry Marauders
P&S Company
Quack Street Boys
The Valiant Northern Air Fleet
Tournament format:The tournament will be: double elimination.
The tournament will be using the classic upper and lower bracket system.
All matches consists of a best of 1 except for the finals.
The finals consists of a best of 3. The winner of match E will have an advantage point score of 1-0.
This means that the winner of match E would only need to win 1 game, whereas the winner of match K would have to win 2 games.
The first match will be Northern Fjords, the second match if needed will be picked by the loser of the first gameSeeding is random.
Schedule:Games will run in the order from top to down.
Game A / Game B - will run at the same time.
Game C / Game D - will run at the same time.
Game H / Game I - will run at the same time.
Game E / Game J - will run at the same time.
Game K
Game F
Which Map will the game be using?Maps:
upper bracket:Game A - Water Hazard
Game B - Fight over Firnfield
Game C - Northern Fjords
Game D - Northern Fjords
Game E - Canyon Ambush
lower bracket:Game H - Fight over Firnfield
Game I - Northern Fjords
Game J - Canyon Ambush
Game K - Water Hazard
Finals:Game F - Northern Fjords / Losers pick
Streaming Information:Streamers:Qwerty2Jam - - streamer and his cohost will stream the following games:Game A - Qwerty2Jam
Game B - Imagine
Game C - Qwerty2Jam
Game D - Imagine
Game H - Qwerty2Jam
Game I - Imagine
Game E - Qwerty2Jam
Game J - Imagine
Game K - Qwerty2Jam
Game F - Qwerty2Jam
At last for those who found everything above confusing
Good luck, train hard and see you friday!