Author Topic: Static Chaaaaarge!!  (Read 6948 times)

Offline shadowsteel

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Static Chaaaaarge!!
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:47:44 am »
This is an idea inspired from the Rammed Off Guns thread and the Tesla Cannon. It's kinda of a hybrid.,1468.0.html

Instead of having the constant ability to ram off guns, there is a Pilot tool that, when used, builds up a static charge on the ship, and once it is ready, releases that charge on contact with the enemy ship, causing their guns to be inoperable for certain amount of time, say, somewhere between 2 to 6 seconds.

The cons for this tool can be discussed at length. There are many things that can be done to offset this great power.

For example, while building charge, engines output and guns firing rate are reduced by a lot or damaged and/or certain components will be susceptible to igniting by getting hit from enemy guns. Once the charge is released does the same thing to your weapons as it does to the enemy's. If anyone has better way of balancing it, I'd be glad to hear it.
There should probably be a lot of cons so it doesn't become as OP as another pilot tool that I wont mention. *cough* tar *cough*  :)

I don't want it to end up being that if you don't take this tool you're an idiot. Tar isn't like that. There are reasons to take tar and reasons not to because it uses up a tool spot and isn't viable all the time. I want it to be the same. It should be different than Tar, not better. It doesn't damage enemy guns, but it does make them unusable instantly. Tar takes a little time, and a competent gunner/engineer can keep their guns up.

I think it gives the same result the Ramming thread's OP wanted while making it something that has a high risk as well and something that can be controlled.

I probably missed some key things to consider. Feel free to comment on, agree with, or utterly destroy my idea.

Any suggestions to make this one better will be welcomed with an open mind.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 11:51:53 am by shadowsteel »

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Static Chaaaaarge!!
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 01:59:04 pm »
A downside could be that it has a lingering effect (like impact bumpers) that slows down all crew movement speed by 10-25%.
Like you said, it would have to be charged, so you're slowing down your crew as you rush head-on towards the enemy's ship, only to disable the both of you for a few seconds.

Useless if you're fighting alone, but if you've got a good ally with you, devastating.

-edit- But what about dealing with those trolls......

Offline Zenark

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Re: Static Chaaaaarge!!
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 02:09:19 pm »
People like my idea (sort of) yay!

I like this idea too. Perhaps the charge (done by time activated or distanced traveled) determines how long the stun lasts.

You could also perhaps make it so that after its activated, it can't be turned off until the engines die, or your ship impacts something, but you don't lose use of your guns.

If you used it successfully, the enemy ship would be disabled, and your guns would still be able to wreak havoc. If you missed though, the charge would activate on your own ship when the engines died.

Offline Puggerugger

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Re: Static Chaaaaarge!!
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 02:22:29 pm »
How about this: Building up the charge takes 8 seconds after activation, during this time engine output and weapon firing rate is reduced by... let's say 50% and weapon spread is increased. When you've built up the charge the downside remains but if you come into contact with ANY ship (even friendly) they receive the "Overcharge" condition. When in overcharge the entire ship becomes covered in something that looks like chem spray but is purple and when they are hit by the ship there is a big flash to make it clear they have been rammed. Overcharge reduces engine output by 90%, suspect ability to additional fire charges is increased by 50%, the ship is automatically marked when overcharged and makes all guns unusable. I'd say a fair length would be 2-3 secs so that it's enough time for the rammer to get into a good firing position / make a getaway but it isn't complete bull that allows any ship to come and school the rammed. It could be used for teamwork so that a spire, galleon or goldfish could safely disable it with the good ol' hwatcha.

Oh and if the ship holds the charge for 4 secs after building up a full charge that ship ecomes overcharged for 2-3 secs

Although I don't think this should be a piece of piloting equipment I think it should be a special ship where the one on the helm can press Q or some vacant button and a charge builds up. There would be a gauge to show the charges progress and a thermometer type thing to show how much longer you can hold the charge for. You would be able to press Q again to stop charging it but when it is charge you cannot "discharge" it. You have to pass the hot potato at that point. Also that ship would be immune to receiving overcharge from over ships but instead when rammed by a ship with overcharge ready that ship would get a 50% buff to engine output for 2-3 seconds. Also due to the ships ability it would compensate in all other areas by just being mediocre at everything and having a very basic gun loadout. Like 1 at the front, port and starboard.

Offline shadowsteel

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Re: Static Chaaaaarge!!
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 02:55:54 pm »
Thanks for the feedback!

A lot of good suggestions.

I just wanted to mention what I think the purpose of this tool should be.

This tool is meant to buy time. Simple as that. It's to buy time until your ally arrives or your ally repairs their ship.

That being said, every tool can be exploited for other uses. There's using Chute Vent to pound an enemy to the ground "Teabag of Destiny", the "Hydrogen Uppercut", using moonshine to stop turning, etc.