Author Topic: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.  (Read 20019 times)

Offline Barujin

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GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« on: June 14, 2013, 08:37:42 am »
I gave it a fair shot but I'm just not enjoying the game. My main complaint is the captain's role. The maps are designed to have a lot of fog or sand clouds that make it frustrating to navigate through treaturous obstacles that threaten the hull of the ship. If we go down for that reason, then I feel the weight of responsibily for that failure. Once I get to the enemy, I typically find that they are together and ready to take us down in an instant. Even if I manage to stay near my team mate, my crew (and likely his) is made of random people, just as the other captain's choices of weapons are unpredictable. On top of that, many weapons are either difficult/annoying to use or are simply too ineffective to choose. There are simply too many little frustrations about the game for it to keep my interrest. There are ways to fix these problems (like more communications between team captains that are secretive), but until they are implemented I am simply not having enough fun to continue. I commend your efforts to make a fun game based on a unique idea (in the gaming industry). It just needs refinement. One of the main concepts of gaming that continues to ensure quality is: is the main activity that the gamer is doing most of the time actually really fun to do? With GoIO, my opinion is simply, "No."

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 09:13:19 am »
Hey Barujin,

First off, I'm sorry that you've lost interest in the game, but I am glad you gave it a shot. That being said, you do seem to understand that this game is pretty much all about communication, and when running with a random team, 9/10 the more coordinated team will win (as you've seen)... I do want to urge you to give us one last shot, but this time, try to run with some more experienced players (get out of beginner matches if you haven't already).... They'll be able to show you each of the guns effectiveness, as well as a lot of other stuff... another thing I would recommend looking into is our training days... This is when a bunch of experienced players take on newer players, and show them the ropes *shameless plug* :D.....

I do hope you'll give us a second chance to draw you in :P


Offline Barujin

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 09:18:43 am »
The experienced matches often involve many newbies with one side being mostly newbies. As you said, coordination wins the matches. We really need a guild system to help people get coordinated.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 09:24:30 am »
There is a clan system in the works, and was supposed to come out in the latest patch. This was pushed back, do to Muse focusing on performance issues. to the best of my knowledge, it's going to be in the next content patch.... on that note, there are plenty of clans out there looking for new members that would love to help you out (que Coldcurse and his dutchmen :P)....

*Edit* ya sometimes experienced matches can end up like that.... should you see me online anytime, hit me up, I'd be more than happy to fly with you (or any of the CAs I'm sure)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 09:26:28 am by Shinkurex »

Offline dragonmere

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 09:33:58 am »
Shink already said everything I would want to, and I could not stress enough the need to leave the lowbie rooms as soon as you are aware how each role functions. I would also like to add this

... (like more communications between team captains that are secretive)...

You are aware about the Captain Chat on the "C" key, correct? It allows the captains to use an exclusive voice channel that noone else can hear. This is where coordination between captains comes from.

And yes, there are plenty of clans! If you'd like to get a taste for what a little coordination can do, you would be more than welcome to jump on my clan's (The Cohort) TeamSpeak server to check it out, no obligation. As I'm not looking to derail this conversation, if you are interested please find one of my post on The Docks.

Offline Barujin

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 09:59:19 am »
... (like more communications between team captains that are secretive)...

You are aware about the Captain Chat on the "C" key, correct? It allows the captains to use an exclusive voice channel that noone else can hear. This is where coordination between captains comes from.
Nope, I didn't know that. Maybe that should be stated more obviously instead of just listing the various keys that enable chat. I've just been hitting random ones (usually X).

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 10:21:11 am »
The Commander and Crew chat buttons are listed at the bottom left of the gameplay screen in small brown lettering. It is very easy to miss and you are not the first to not see it.

GOI can be very frustrating at times especially if your current batch of miscreants (crew) are just not living up to your expectations. Once you get a crew to work together the highs far out weigh the lows IMO. It is not for everyone and like Shink said I am glad you gave it a try.

Offline RomanKar

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 11:09:50 am »
I would have to say that it is almost always the case that you will not enjoy a game you really don't understand how to play.  These days, it doesn't take much to understand the basics of most games.  Guns of Icarus, however, is a different type of game, with little to no similarity to other games around.

The best advice I can give is to get out of beginner games because there is no one in there that is experienced and get into a game with some people with numbers higher than 2 next to their name, tell them you are new and want to learn.  I am certain that someone will be more than willing to show you the ropes, answer all your questions, and lead you down the right paths. 

To me, it sounded like it wasn't the game that wasn't fun, but that you were frustrated at not really being able to play the actual game. If this game isn't your cup of tea, so to speak, that is fine.  This game isn't for everyone.  But I would really hate to lose a player that actually might enjoy the game simply because they had a bad experience and was frustrated before they even really played the game like it was meant to be played.

My in game name is RomanKar, anyone who would like some advice or direction, please feel free to hit me up in game, or even join in a game of mine.  I'd be more than happy to help anyone who wants to enjoy and get the most out of this game.

Offline Barujin

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2013, 11:22:45 am »
I would have to say that it is almost always the case that you will not enjoy a game you really don't understand how to play.  These days, it doesn't take much to understand the basics of most games.  Guns of Icarus, however, is a different type of game, with little to no similarity to other games around.

The best advice I can give is to get out of beginner games because there is no one in there that is experienced and get into a game with some people with numbers higher than 2 next to their name, tell them you are new and want to learn.  I am certain that someone will be more than willing to show you the ropes, answer all your questions, and lead you down the right paths. 

To me, it sounded like it wasn't the game that wasn't fun, but that you were frustrated at not really being able to play the actual game. If this game isn't your cup of tea, so to speak, that is fine.  This game isn't for everyone.  But I would really hate to lose a player that actually might enjoy the game simply because they had a bad experience and was frustrated before they even really played the game like it was meant to be played.

My in game name is RomanKar, anyone who would like some advice or direction, please feel free to hit me up in game, or even join in a game of mine.  I'd be more than happy to help anyone who wants to enjoy and get the most out of this game.
I understand the game just fine. I'm proud of the ships that I've built after testing out their weapons in practice mode a lot to find the ones that kill the fastest. I've had success in maneuvering my ship as a pilot. I've really invested into learning this game and know it well for the short time that I've played. I've tried the advanced groups and must honestly say that I actually enjoyed the beginner ones more. The game is simply frustrating, whether its avoiding crashing in hard maps or tolerating a captain and crew who randomly don't care how they play.

Offline RomanKar

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2013, 11:46:18 am »
Not crashing into things takes practice.  And I do understand the frustration with bad crew/ other pilots.  It does take some time to develop the contacts/friends list that makes for more enjoyable games. 

I can't even say, early on, how much I cursed the architecture.  Yelling and screaming about the terrible terrain.  Then I learned that there are more than 2 settings for the throttle (full ahead, full reverse).  Sometimes, Off, is the best position to be in.   And I still manage to run into stuff, throwing my guns off target, damaging my hull, and leading to my death.  I find it to be part of the challenge.

All I can say is, practice.  Play more games.  Fly more.  You will get better.  Piloting is not something you will pick up overnight.  But even if you become a great pilot, you will still run into things, just watch the vids from the tourneys, those guys still run into things.

Offline Echoez

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2013, 11:57:47 am »
I think what Barujin is trying to say is that this game is (unfortunately) affected by the same thing that plauges games like DotA and LoL, simply enough, if you get teammates that don't know where their six is, you will end up not having a good time at all.

But you can solve this by looking for people to play with on the forums and even in game. As for crashing on terrain, coming from a guy that realy likes the Spire, you will keep crashing onto stuff for an eternity, it's simply too hard to focus both on the battle and your surroundings sometimes.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2013, 12:05:05 pm »
There's a leaning curve to piloting; and I for one definitely crashed into my fair share of objects as I learned to fly; but you get better the more you practice and it becomes gratifying when you can kerosine buffed engine full speed through the canyons after you could barely make it through at all a few weeks prior.

Not everyone has the patience to learn it but when you jump aboard a well crewed coordinated team with experienced pilots, you'll see that those ships can be made to dance through the skies.

Offline Echoez

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2013, 12:12:41 pm »
There's a leaning curve to piloting; and I for one definitely crashed into my fair share of objects as I learned to fly; but you get better the more you practice and it becomes gratifying when you can kerosine buffed engine full speed through the canyons after you could barely make it through at all a few weeks prior.

Not everyone has the patience to learn it but when you jump aboard a well crewed coordinated team with experienced pilots, you'll see that those ships can be made to dance through the skies.

Especially when you accidentaly buff the balloon cause you didn't bother looking at the buff-meter :P

Offline Ofiach

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2013, 12:17:25 pm »
I have to say this sounds alot more like a "this game requires real teamwork and I hate it for that" than anything else. I mean COD has ruined a generation of gamers don't succumb and try to learn teamwork man! Put together a good crew!

Also concerning the maps, well you have to learn them..... thats the bare truth, learn the map and know how to use it to your advantage and win. If you don't have the attention span to learn all of 8 maps well I dunno what to tell you. It sounds a bit douchey but come on man, this is a game you have to put on big boy pants for.

Offline JaegerDelta

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Re: GoIO just isn't fun enough to maintain my interrest.
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2013, 03:29:29 pm »
I have to say this sounds alot more like a "this game requires real teamwork and I hate it for that" than anything else. I mean COD has ruined a generation of gamers don't succumb and try to learn teamwork man! Put together a good crew!

Also concerning the maps, well you have to learn them..... thats the bare truth, learn the map and know how to use it to your advantage and win. If you don't have the attention span to learn all of 8 maps well I dunno what to tell you. It sounds a bit douchey but come on man, this is a game you have to put on big boy pants for.

sounds very douchey... dont hassle the guy cause this game isnt his preference. people like different things.