With the ever expanding e-sport scene in Goio, the need for team training and scrimmages is rising. This project / thread has been created with the idea that the scrimmages should be uncompetitive, and purely for the purpose of getting experience against other teams.This, of course, does not mean that you cannot use this for competitive play. You and the team you will be playing dictate your own game, rules and what your outcome of the game should be. – There will be no managing body dictating, you are in charge of when, where and who you will be playing.
If you are interested post with this format:Team name: (your team / clan name)
Contact person: (the person other teams will contact, ingame name)
Alternative contact information: (skype, steam etc.)
Scrimmage days/times: (the days and timetables your team will do scrimmages)The following teams have shown interest:
Glowwater Thralls
Contact person: Crafeksterty, Skrimskraw
Alternative contact information: Steam: Crafekster Steam/skype: Granaut
Scrimmage days:
Contact us, we can always arrange something if its possible.
Merry MenContact person: Shinkurex
Alternative contact information: Steam: Shinkurex1 Skype: Shinkurex
Scrimmage days:
Saturday: Before events.
The Flying DutchmenContact person: Captain Lockheart
Alternative contact information:
Scrimmage days:
Saturday: Occasionally plays, contact for scrimmage.
The Gentlemen - Mad HattersContact person: MiztaWildCard Steam = miztawildcard
Alternative contact information:
Scrimmage days:
Monday - 6pm GMT
Wednesday - 6pm GMT
Friday - 6pm GMT
Saturday - 6pm GMT
The Bully Boys Contact People:
IGN: Brick Hardcastle/ Steam: apexofbeing
IGN: Gilder de Unfettered/ Steam: Guilder the Squidslinger
IGN: Halogamb/ steam: Halogamb
IGN: Sir Daftwager/ Steam: Sir Daftwager
Scrimmage times: We should be available for scrims on weekday evenings (European time). Please contact one of us to arrange a scrim in advance as it might be difficult for us to get people together for scrims on short notice.
SPQRContact person: Jub Jub or LazyPandas
Alternative contact information: JubJub (also known as Link1703) on steam, and LazyPandas on steam
Scrimmage days/times: Most days/times can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
OverwatchContact person: Mr. Ace Rimmer / CoughDrop
Alternative contact information: SteamID; dcrjp1984 (Rimmer) CoughDrop
Scrimmage days/times: 7 days a week. 6PM eastern - 9PM Eastern to be decided in advance. We'll take a maximum of 2-3 a week depending on other activities
kOutContact person: primarily use steam. STEAM:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrzurkon/ or
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045704713/Alternative contact information: can also get in from our mumble
port 64739
channel: kOut
Scrimmage days/times: 8pm (-5 UTC) or later, sun-fri, no saturday.
The Art of Warfare (TAW)Contact person: Hunter. (keep the fullstop, Hunter was taken)
Alternative contact information: k4neo123 (Skype)
Scrimmage days/times: Any day as long as we get about a weeks notice
The Gentlemen - The Tea-TimersContact person: Swiftpaw
Alternative contact information:
Scrimmage days/times:
Tuesday: 8pm GMT
Thursday: 8pm GMT
Saturday: 6pm-8pm GMT
Contact other teams on your own initiative.
If you want your team on the list, leave a reply!