Author Topic: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]  (Read 31966 times)

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2013, 03:09:42 am »
See part of the CeSports system is the ability to get details like this. Anyone that read the website part of the document will not that we hope to keep a few details for each clan, which can include match history, popular metas etc.

The issue is in most other games with a casting scene there is an abundance of material to talk about even in times when there is a lack of action. Guns of Icarus has some of this but is sorely lacking. We can fill 20 minute games no issue, hours? starts to get a bit harder :P
I have been asking for public weapon stats for freaking ages now (I know a lot of us have), that would just be more info for us to talk about.



Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2013, 04:15:52 am »
Well there is a lot of teams so yeah I'm sure we'd have to pitch in to help compile stats. If theres a good place we can start I'll see about getting info you need from us compiled.

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2013, 07:31:32 am »
I'm actually getting a bit tired of casters losing their professionalism over games they perceive as slow. Stuff is still happening, doesn't mean you start making fun of the teams or debating about the merit of pumping dubstep into the feed, or turning stream feeds upside down, or changing the subject to something completely unrelated just because YOU can't think of anything else to talk about. There is always something you can talk about regarding the game (players, tactics, loadouts, advantages/disadvantages of maps depending on what teams are in them) without coming off as disrespectful to the people that are responsible for making your stream happen. It might just mean you'd have to do your homework, is all.

If you guys want to be seen as professional, that's not the way to do it. All it does is make the whole thing a lot more negative than it really needs to be. It's kind of becoming an acceptable norm for commentators to behave like this, and it's actually the fault of the casters why I do not enjoy watching long matches.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but with such a big push to get community e-sports and occasionally effective out there, well. I don't think the mentality of bashing the games that players are  putting an effort into, is all that classy - and it's not a great trait for casters to have.

Just be respectful, guys.

To give credit, I think last weeks gentlemen vs valiant match was casted relatively well.

I would just like to say that we covered this during the stream, although I don't fully understand what the fuck is going on at some points I tried to make things as interesting as possible and tried to analyze all that I could.

But again we ran into a couple of difficulties such as: We weren't certain who was the "shout caster" and who was the "analyzer" we kinda did both, which brought us into the spot where we couldn't talk about much because our gears got mixed up so we ended up talking about how fucking terrible daft punk is to try and not have an awkward silence which I think is one of the worst things you could have.

And we did say that it wasn't slow, Fade called me on that. I just don't see it all the shit that goes on all the damn time. It's like an animator watching an animation. He see's it much differently then people who are unfamiliar to the work that goes into it.

If we had more time to set up and it wasn't our first times streaming. Maybe it would fall into your standards but we tried to have fun with it.

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2013, 08:17:40 am »
I should hope Morblitz backs up a bit on tone. Considering it was first time for both of you, I think you did a relatively decent job -not that Qwery did any better on occassions (fliping the mage upside down cogs week 3 Gents vs Paddling &  "ah gawd dammit. NOTHING'S CHANGED! THE HEALTH  BARS HAVEN'T MOVED" ^^) - but you still should take that into consideration on how to become better casters.

Offline Morblitz

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2013, 09:03:51 am »
What you guys aren't understanding is that I am not blaming these two volunteer casters. I'm saying I am disappointed how occasionally effective has fostered a mentality where it has become acceptable - and other casters are seemingly continuing the trend.

Mattilald - you are exactly right, and that has been my point this whole time. I clarified that in a post shortly after the one you quoted.

I'm just providing feedback in something that I have noticed to be lacking somewhat for a while now. That feedback is: Maybe show a bit more respect to the players that are offering you their time.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 09:19:11 am by Morblitz »

Offline Veyka

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2013, 09:12:54 am »
Another thing, I know that you want to turn the chat off, but until it can be turned off without also disabling the part destruction log, can you leave it on? It really helps give an idea of who is doing what in firefights.

Offline dragonmere

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2013, 10:18:42 am »
Any commentary is going to have to include some "off topic" discussion, or it will be very dry and uninteresting during the 'slow' parts. You could just have every player submit a screenshot of their "progress" screen, so you could ramble on about random stats as needed. "dragonmere has over 5 days of piloting experience, with a 3:1 KD ratio, but only 12 hours as gunner". Additionally, everyone involved in competitive play could fill out a really short random "bio", like how they do on game shows. During lulls in action, make like the beginning of Jeopardy!, "Now it says here dragonmere owns 12 cats, and has been working on his thesis about the healing benefits of ingesting dandruff, interesting stuff!"

Offline Surette

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2013, 10:26:25 am »
Any commentary is going to have to include some "off topic" discussion, or it will be very dry and uninteresting during the 'slow' parts. You could just have every player submit a screenshot of their "progress" screen, so you could ramble on about random stats as needed. "dragonmere has over 5 days of piloting experience, with a 3:1 KD ratio, but only 12 hours as gunner". Additionally, everyone involved in competitive play could fill out a really short random "bio", like how they do on game shows. During lulls in action, make like the beginning of Jeopardy!, "Now it says here dragonmere owns 12 cats, and has been working on his thesis about the healing benefits of ingesting dandruff, interesting stuff!"
That'd actually be a really easy way to get some cool player stats. Maybe before a tournament ask if the participating players would submit a screenshot of their stats tab (so that it's not out of date by the time the tournament starts), of course it'd be optional but it'd be nice to have those kind of references to discuss. I definitely think that'd add a decent amount of discussion.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2013, 10:42:10 am »
your stats tab doesnt really show how good a player you are in competitive play though.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2013, 10:53:32 am »
Not at all, but it can still be used for discussion. Better that than anime, or whether GTA revolutionized open-world gaming (which it didn't, Legend of Zelda did back in 1986).

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2013, 11:35:59 am »
Not at all, but it can still be used for discussion. Better that than anime, or whether GTA revolutionized open-world gaming (which it didn't, Legend of Zelda did back in 1986).

agreed :p

Offline Imagine

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2013, 12:01:11 pm »
We've been discussing how to add better viewing value, how to incorporate specific players into casts, so on and so forth, but currently GoI casting is still being developed, no one really has it figured out how to go about it best so... just keep that in mind.

Anyways, as for the suggestion of getting screenshots from players, while the idea could be... somewhat useful, relying on getting an SS from players before every game is not something I'd rely on. Now, if I could check someone's profile, perhaps, but asking and relying on something like that is... eeeeeeh. We'll see if it's something that can be pulled off though.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2013, 12:10:33 pm »
Muse plans on adding a feature so that you can view your friend's profiles, so that could potentially be useful.

Offline Surette

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2013, 03:17:13 pm »
Yeah if you're able to view others' stats yourself then that'd be much nicer, screenshots are doable but would be a pain (which is why I said it'd of course be optional).

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: The Icarus Sky Tournament 6/8 4PM EST [BRACKET]
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2013, 04:39:22 pm »
Hey I'm actually on Qwerty's side about Gurren Lagaan. I'm glad he had the guts to say it. Everyone loves it but I just can't stand it. Specially after the first half. Then it just gets full of itself and wraps up with a terrible ending. That and his comment on GTA was good. I can't seem to ever finish playing a GTA game. Get bored with the story.

Course how many are tuning in for that? I'm sure some probably hit the mute button at some point and just played some music in the background while watching the stream. But who knows.