Author Topic: Clan Flags  (Read 5920 times)

Offline Gunny RP

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Clan Flags
« on: May 22, 2013, 11:35:00 pm »
As a good amount of forum users know(or those who watch the forums) the idea of clans is already in the works to be released likely in a up coming patch. I have not seen all the ideas that they plan to do yet with clans but I assume that they will be cool as heck and may even have this idea already as part of it but I thought I would go into the idea some just in case and see who else thinks its a good idea.

Idea: Flags for clans to put on ships

The basic idea being that a clan could create their own flag to display on the battle(air?)field. Now there is the question well what if not everyone on a ship is in the clan? yes well that is somewhat of a odd thing but I think its acceptable if it was that the flag for the ship was like the ship itself the choice and presentation of the Captain(pilot).

The flags could be placed on the back of the ships or in some cases, to best fit the style of the ship, the top of the ship. The flag would be again as I said the flag of the clan the pilot belongs to and would be created by the clan to show the style of the clan or alliance. Now alliance would come in later on with the later introduction of the factions, towns, and cities. The clan could also gain symbols to add to their flag as they complete missions as a sense of prestige.

The size of the flag would have to vary from ship to ship to look best and fit best, but if we use the galleon as a example a fitting size I think would be around 3-4 feet height by 6-7 feet width.

Well that is the basics of the idea I had and I hope it wasn't already put up by someone (cause I couldn't find a thread on it) and that it wasn't already said to be in progress to be added.