Author Topic: Flagship Battle Mode  (Read 9522 times)

Offline James McAlan-Verdaat

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Flagship Battle Mode
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:07:10 pm »
I only just started playing the game today and I can already tell that it's shaping up to be absolutely beautiful, especially with adventure mode coming up soon.

While playing through some particularly excellent ship-to-ship battles though, I felt as though there was something here that could be expanded upon and that is an entirely new game mode.

Imagine the scenario: There are three regular ships in your fleet, four crew and picked from the current pool... Then there is the flagship. Twice the crew, twice the size. More guns, engines and lift-gas pumps. Huge and deadly and hard to crack. The object of the game mode? Destroy the enemy's flagship!

I brought this up in the pre-game chat of several games today and the reaction was mostly positive. There was even a few suggestions I hadn't considered; such as multiple hull stations, for different armour values all over the huge bulk of the ship, while hull integrity is measured universally; or the idea of a 'map room' to co-ordinate swarms of biplanes, giving sailor classes something else to do, other than only ever crewing the helm. A gunner can repair in a pinch and an engineer can man a gun, but I have never seen a sailor do ANYTHING by helm. This game mode provides a new dynamic they can explore, as well as epic, set-piece battles that players are almost guaranteed to enjoy.

As unsure as I am about what exactly adventure mode would entail, these Flagships would also make an excellent community point, bringing guilds and groups of players together, as the crew and escorts of these leviathans of the sky.

Offline James McAlan-Verdaat

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 04:44:33 pm »
Alright, this has been viewed over 50 times now and not one reply? I'd like some feedback! Who thinks this is a good idea? Who doesn't? Why? Is there anything you would add to it? Is there anything superfluous, that you would strip out? Come on, people!

Offline Echoez

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 04:53:50 pm »
Destroy the enemy Flagship doesn't sound bad at all, but 8 people on it would be a bit much, 6 should be fine, it shouldn't be too large anyway, but at least one subsystem would be nice and it should be somewhat bigger than a Galleon, with 8 Gun points maybe.

Then again this game is the Skirmish mode and revolves around random ship battles with a few ships each side, something like this this sounds like it should be definately in the Adventure mode though.

Dunno, good thought though. Salutes o 3o7

Offline Enjix

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 05:22:03 pm »
The ONLY issue I see with this is how long it would take muse to design the flagships in a functional and balanced fashion... it would be a pretty long ways away, they would most likely adapt the boss ships they design for adventure mode for the design aspect. They would need to change them to accommodate player foot-traffic though, depending on whether the ships we fight in adventure mode are autonomous or are crewed by the AI we all know and love. And yeah, balancing will be tough.

Still, I would play the heck out of that game mode if they had it, would be loads of fun. I'm still hoping for a VIP type game mode, would be way easier to implement, and is very similar in form to a flagship mode.

Flagships are epic, just take a long time to build, digitally or otherwise.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 05:24:38 pm by Enjix »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2013, 06:06:10 pm »
The game engine has issues even handling the 4v4 matches. Adding a flagship, while fun in concept, would probably be a nightmare to implement. Better if the time and money was invested into the AM boss ships and then you group with other crews to take one down.

Offline Typhi

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2013, 11:39:33 pm »
I think for a Flagship mode like this, you need a bigger scale. Make it 5v5 (4 normal ships, one flagship on each team) for extra epicness! Would be awesome though, love to see it! :)

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2013, 09:42:26 am »
like VIP gamemode?

defend the friendly VIP and destroy the enemy VIP

Offline Rainer Zu Fall

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2013, 11:15:02 am »
There already have been many ideas like yours, take a look around the forum. There you're gonna find the answers that it might not be coming soon since they're currently working on kickstarter and there might be a massive work on balance issues.
Although I too like the idea of "2-crew ships" for example (one ships with 2 crews instead of two ships with one crew each).

Offline Parkourwalrus

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2013, 07:26:21 pm »
It would be  a cool game mode.. Would be better with epic run on the death star moments. that and a galley. dual purpose moonshine FTW!

Offline Audie Murphy

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2013, 03:47:37 pm »
I've discussed this before in a different thread, and I like the idea of a flagship battle, but I agree with the above poster who mentioned that 8 crew is probably too much.

But let me repost the idea that I was talking about, because it's very much along the same lines:

"Here's what I would like to see (keep in mind that I'm not taking balancing or ease of implementation into account, just thinking of what would be fun):

3 classes of ships: Frigate, Sky Destroyer, Cloud Cruiser

Frigates: Squid-sized, 3 crew
Sky Destroyers: Pyramidion-size, 4 crew
Cloud Cruisers: Galleon or bigger: 5 crew

Each team would still only get 3 captains, so each team would get one ship from each class (I suppose they could also just get 3 destroyer-class ships, but I'm not sure why they would want to, or how that would be implemented). I think that this could be a really fun way to play GOIO and it would fit the theme of teamwork and role specialization.  Each player has a role to play on their ship defined by their class and loadout, and then they work together with their fellow crew to perform their ship's role within the team.

I think that 8-crew ships should be reserved for special boss fights in Adventure mode, but I think that varying crew sizes slightly would be a great way to add replayability to the core game mechanics."

This kind of change can be applied to all game types, but if it were implemented, adding a flagship battle mode would be very simple. Just take the biggest ship on each fleet, and that's the flagship. Or just let each team pick who's going to be the one.

Offline Parkourwalrus

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Re: Flagship Battle Mode
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2013, 05:32:53 pm »
Sorry about the illegible post, my cat decided to finish a post that I had in an open window  :P   So, finishing my post legibly, my idea, aside from the galley thing, was for flagships to be like that wreck on scrap with the cp inside it, but with guns and bridges linking throughout the wreckage. It would be a massive  beast airship without being overpowered due to speed. plus it could be like attacking the death star without the overpoweredness and difficulty to crew  of  a death star sized, moving ship. that or the frigate, destroyer, cruiser thing.