I've noticed something about Moonshine. The Angular Drag +1000% (HUGE penalty to turning) is almost as important, if not more so, than the speed boost.
Up until recently, I had been using Moonshine at mid-close range just to get my pyramidion speed up, then switching to impact bumpers to ram enemy ships. I would usually disable balloon or armor (or kill the spire

), before bouncing haphazardly off the enemy, and quickly scrambling with the monkey paw to regain a good facing.
Lately I've just been popping the Moonshine on while I make contact with them. While this basically will kill your engines without a hoopy frood for an engineer, the addition of +1000% angular drag causes you to keep face the ENTIRE time. No spinning. If you aim for their center of mass, you will just repeatedly bounce, with a good front facing for pyra weapons. Multiple quick rams, all the while guns are stripping hull and health. Very deadly.
This can be taken a little further. If a ship is incoming at forward face to attempt a ram on me, I will cut engines entirely, maybe even 1 notch reverse, and pop Moonshine on and off at the last moment. 1000% angular drag for 3 seconds. No spinning. On a head-on ram, the enemy will be the one to get the full torque from the impact, and lose face or even spin out of control.
Other times the enemy is intentionally side-ramming to get me off my target. Again, zero throttle, pop moonshine. I keep my face, and unless the enemy is using the same tactic, they will get one damaging ram on me, and then lose their facing. This also works the other way. Moonshine ram THROUGH an enemy, right on the nose or tail, and they're gonna need at least a few seconds just to stabilize the crazy spin while you zip off to an advantageous position.
Some of you may know of my rock/structure tapping exploits. If it's there, I'm going to tap it with my ship at some point during the match. There are times when, again, zero throttle and quick moonshine pop will stop me from excessive turning on a simple paint-scrape. This prevents the necessity of an intentional 'second tap' to readjust.
The benefits of just the angular drag, to me, outweigh some of the other perks. I've actually been equipping both kerosene and moonshine on my ramming pyramidion lately.The kerosene is used for speed boost, while the moonshine is used ONLY for controlling turns during impacts, and at the last second before a ram. While having both speed items has got me some concerned comments from spectators, I find it works quite well.
Opinions? Comments? Was this already common knowledge/usage?