Author Topic: Suggestions from a new player  (Read 7180 times)

Offline Shadico

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Suggestions from a new player
« on: May 13, 2013, 07:58:17 pm »
A few things i've come across that i'd like to see added or fixed.

Alternate Hotkeys. i.e. I could have Raise (as a Pilot) be bound to both R and Numpad 1.

Forum link in-game much like you have kickstarter linked.

Lobby text chat.

There seems to be an issue with voice chat. Some people seem to be able to hear me while others cannot. I play with a few friends from time to time, and one friend for example would be able to hear other people in the lobby chat, but be completely unable to ever hear anything I say. Other people in the lobby can hear me, and my friend can hear them, but not me. This happens in all sorts of different configurations, so I haven't been able to narrow down a cause just yet.

Have in-game sounds mute when you Alt Tab. Love the music, but when i'm just browsing reddit/watching youtube vids in a lobby it gets obnoxious.

Implement an audible countdown tick when the match countdown begins. Too many times i've been caught completely off-guard by a match start while chatting with people or making changes to my loadout.

Ingame Loadout changes. Currently this can be done by abandoning the match, changing the loadout, then rejoining. However, that seems a bit roundabout and unnecessary.

Allow rightclick to bring up people menu's in the chat instead of left click. Just a personal preference as to how i've been conditioned in PC gaming.

An option to allow me to slide the ship equipment alpha up and down.

An option to allow me to always see ship equipment health, regardless of if it is fully repaired. (WoW Raid Leader, more information at all times is always better!)

An option to vote-kick people from the lobby. Had an incident last night where someone was purposefully being toxic and spewing all sorts of random insults for no reason. We all just ended up leaving the lobby.

Some indication of exactly how much damage a bullet of a certain weapon damages components of an enemy ship numerically.

Some indication of enemy health (Either just hull, or of everything). Keeping track of all the info feed at the top left can feel a bit overwhelming at times.

That's all I can come up with for the time being. Loving the game. Will respond to this thread if anyone has comments on these, and will post more as I think any up while continuing my play through.

Edit: There are 2 in-game voice chat options currently. Team chat, which speaks to the entire blue or red team, or Captain chat where you speak to the other captains as a captain. Could we possibly have a specific Ship chat so I can bark out orders and have responses specific to my ship without hassling my entire team?
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 08:07:06 pm by Shadico »

Offline Shadico

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 08:38:12 pm »
Room wide Ready checks would be nice, instead of just Captain ready's. I've gotten into plenty of games where I'd have AFK crew members for a long period of time, where they'd have apparently run off to the bathroom or to get food etc. A bit hindering.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 10:59:58 pm »
Alternate Hotkeys. i.e. I could have Raise (as a Pilot) be bound to both R and Numpad 1.

Forum link in-game much like you have kickstarter linked.

Both good ideas.

Lobby text chat.

I believe that's coming.

There seems to be an issue with voice chat. Some people seem to be able to hear me while others cannot. I play with a few friends from time to time, and one friend for example would be able to hear other people in the lobby chat, but be completely unable to ever hear anything I say. Other people in the lobby can hear me, and my friend can hear them, but not me. This happens in all sorts of different configurations, so I haven't been able to narrow down a cause just yet.

You should e-mail Muse with your client log.

Have in-game sounds mute when you Alt Tab. Love the music, but when i'm just browsing reddit/watching youtube vids in a lobby it gets obnoxious.

Would be useful, but you might miss some chat from your captain or crew, which would be a problem.

Implement an audible countdown tick when the match countdown begins. Too many times i've been caught completely off-guard by a match start while chatting with people or making changes to my loadout.

Agreed. Especially when everybody readies up suddenly, I can miss the chance to change my loadout.

Ingame Loadout changes. Currently this can be done by abandoning the match, changing the loadout, then rejoining. However, that seems a bit roundabout and unnecessary.

Definitely not. We'd have main engis using a buff hammer all match, and then switching to the extinguisher every time a fire is lit. It'd be way too exploitable.

An option to allow me to always see ship equipment health, regardless of if it is fully repaired. (WoW Raid Leader, more information at all times is always better!)

Why would you want to see it if it isn't damaged? It would just add clutter, and wouldn't really tell you anything.

An option to vote-kick people from the lobby. Had an incident last night where someone was purposefully being toxic and spewing all sorts of random insults for no reason. We all just ended up leaving the lobby.

This is a really controversial topic. Muse haven't implemented such a system because it'd be really easy to abuse. You'd get people kicking crewmates off for not being experienced enough.

Some indication of exactly how much damage a bullet of a certain weapon damages components of an enemy ship numerically.

I wouldn't want it myself (more clutter), but I see how it'd be useful.

Some indication of enemy health (Either just hull, or of everything). Keeping track of all the info feed at the top left can feel a bit overwhelming at times.

Once again, that would definitely be helpful for a lot of people (though I wouldn't use it).

There are 2 in-game voice chat options currently. Team chat, which speaks to the entire blue or red team, or Captain chat where you speak to the other captains as a captain. Could we possibly have a specific Ship chat so I can bark out orders and have responses specific to my ship without hassling my entire team?

The "team chat" you're referring to is actually crew chat. You're only speaking to the people on your ship.

Room wide Ready checks would be nice, instead of just Captain ready's. I've gotten into plenty of games where I'd have AFK crew members for a long period of time, where they'd have apparently run off to the bathroom or to get food etc. A bit hindering.

I think it would cause more problems than it'd solve. The captains should be making sure all their crew members are ready, and it would be a real pain to wait for the majority of all the players to ready up, especially with some of the less aware people out there being oblivious to the existence of the ready button on occasion.

That's all I can come up with for the time being. Loving the game. Will respond to this thread if anyone has comments on these, and will post more as I think any up while continuing my play through.

Great to know you're enjoying the game so far! This is some great feedback here, it's always great to see stuff like that coming from new players.

Offline Shadico

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 12:25:13 am »
Ingame Loadout changes. Currently this can be done by abandoning the match, changing the loadout, then rejoining. However, that seems a bit roundabout and unnecessary.

Definitely not. We'd have main engis using a buff hammer all match, and then switching to the extinguisher every time a fire is lit. It'd be way too exploitable.

Ah, and I suppose Abandoning game to change loadout would be ok because of the time wasted in doing so. Reasonable. (New to the game, wasn't aware of the balance issue)

An option to allow me to always see ship equipment health, regardless of if it is fully repaired. (WoW Raid Leader, more information at all times is always better!)

Why would you want to see it if it isn't damaged? It would just add clutter, and wouldn't really tell you anything.

Mainly just to be able to keep track of where everything is all at once and familiarize myself with the locations of everything while piloting and looking in certain directions so I can quickly call out what needs repairing and when to call my spare engi off the guns to repair or not at a quick glance. I'm really big on muscle memory stuff, so training myself to be able to quick glance would be helpful. More a quality of life suggestion for players like myself, hence having it as an option instead of default. Again though, not a big one.

An option to vote-kick people from the lobby. Had an incident last night where someone was purposefully being toxic and spewing all sorts of random insults for no reason. We all just ended up leaving the lobby.

This is a really controversial topic. Muse haven't implemented such a system because it'd be really easy to abuse. You'd get people kicking crewmates off for not being experienced enough.

You could require a 3/4 LOBBY yes to no ratio on kicks, would pretty much eliminate the possibility of that since almost the entire room would have to want said person gone.

Room wide Ready checks would be nice, instead of just Captain ready's. I've gotten into plenty of games where I'd have AFK crew members for a long period of time, where they'd have apparently run off to the bathroom or to get food etc. A bit hindering.

I think it would cause more problems than it'd solve. The captains should be making sure all their crew members are ready, and it would be a real pain to wait for the majority of all the players to ready up, especially with some of the less aware people out there being oblivious to the existence of the ready button on occasion.

I think that might be an issue for the first game or two after its implemented, but once people know they need to ready up personally to start a game, it becomes just another part of the game. New people like myself wouldn't know of it, someone would call out to ready up, I'd look around and see the big Ready button, and make that mental note to do that each game much like remembering a hotkey. Besides, if the captains aren't supposed to ready up until their entire crew is ready, how is that any different from just having the crew mates ready up themselves. You take the responsibility of the Captain having to babysit his crew, and place the responsibility on each person to make sure theyre ready to play and paying attention. If a person wasn't paying attention and didn't ready up, they'd be AFK for the game start as well i'd think (seeing as the game doesn't force itself to the forefront if you're alt tabbed and theres no transition noise/music from going to the game from the lobby.)

One thing you didn't comment on was the equipment alpha scales though. Still interested in that since it get's kinda hard to see when things are exploding and in certain stages with varying light.

Offline Fluitaire

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2013, 03:54:03 am »
There is a Forum/website link in game under the social tab. Its at the bottom. I just read through most of the top stuff and wanted to let ya know. Have fun. 8D

Offline Shadico

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2013, 10:11:53 am »
There is a Forum/website link in game under the social tab. Its at the bottom. I just read through most of the top stuff and wanted to let ya know. Have fun. 8D

Beneath the Social Tab is the player count and version number. Beneath that there is a News button which takes you to their homepage. Beneath that is the Kickstarter button. Below that is chat, then nothing. Am I not seeing something?

Offline Moo

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2013, 10:40:26 am »
Not "under" as in below, "under" as in it's part of that section.  ;)
Click on the social button and you should see a load of links at the bottom.

Offline teweedo

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Re: Suggestions from a new player
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2013, 11:00:28 am »

Ingame Loadout changes. Currently this can be done by abandoning the match, changing the loadout, then rejoining. However, that seems a bit roundabout and unnecessary.

As explained to you earlier, it is game breaking and in my humble opinion it should not even be possible to leave the game then join back right away. It's just too easy to adapt to others ships and it isn't the goal of the game. You have a crew, a loadout and making choice BEFORE the game start and then you have to deal with your choice when fighting.

It should be enforced that we are unable to join a game we previously left before it ends.


An option to allow me to always see ship equipment health, regardless of if it is fully repaired. (WoW Raid Leader, more information at all times is always better!)

I would even push it a little bit further and wouldn't mind having a small window on the top right/left corner indicating all the components health instead of having to look all around my screen to check them.


Some indication of exactly how much damage a bullet of a certain weapon damages components of an enemy ship numerically.

Some indication of enemy health (Either just hull, or of everything). Keeping track of all the info feed at the top left can feel a bit overwhelming at times.

I am completely opposed to those ideas. We should not be able to have technical indication of an enemy condition other than the visual effects we already have.

It is part of the game. Providing things like damages done and health left on enemies is game breaking to me, sometimes giving too many accurate informations makes the game easier and it is not wanted in my book.

It's like in MMORPG when you provide too many tips about an enemy, at the end there is no longer a challenge. Here having some uncertainty is what makes the game so fun.


That being said it was a solid thread, I see some people already addressed a few of your points so I won't comment any further. Have a good day and enjoy the game :D