Author Topic: Important: Turn on notifications to receive PM notices  (Read 7530 times)

Offline Clara Skyborn

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Important: Turn on notifications to receive PM notices
« on: April 12, 2013, 01:15:59 pm »
Hey, everyone,

We made a quick change to forum settings yesterday that required turning OFF email notifications of personal messages for everyone on the forum. Even if you had already set your notification preference previously, it will have been reset as of yesterday. If you want to receive a notice by email when you get a new PM, you'll need to adjust these settings in your profile.

To do this, go to Profile>Modify Profile>Personal Messaging, and change the setting "Notify by email every time you receive a personal message" from Never to Always.

While you're there, it's a good opportunity to check out the rest of your profile settings and make sure everything's set up how you want.

Sorry for any inconvenience!