
The question is if we should add 1v1.

No. I will give my reasons below.
2 (40%)
Yes. Add them to 2v2 versions of maps.
2 (40%)
Yes, but with unique maps.
1 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: 1v1, yea or nay?  (Read 20799 times)

Offline Richard LeMoon

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1v1, yea or nay?
« on: April 14, 2019, 05:54:03 pm »
The question of 1v1 lobby size has once again come up. With the addition of Brawl (2v2v2v2), we do have an easier mechanic that can be used to 'downsize' an existing map with an alternate score. This uses another map, and adds an alternate kill count for lower number of ships. For example, if you were to start a 1v1 of Dunes, it would say '5 kills' in the lobby, but would switch to 3 kills on entering the match.

This would use all existing 2v2 Deathmatch maps as is.

If you downsize from a 2v2 to the 1v1 via the Start Match button, the lobby will be permanently converted to a 1v1. There is no current way to upscale a lobby.

The other option is to create all new versions of each map, catered to 1v1. These would be smaller chunks of each map that would be better suited for single ship combat. Dunes Ribs, for example, which is just the 3x3 grid around the rib-like structure in the SE second of Battle on the Dunes. Downsizing from larger lobbies should still work, though. These will take more time and work, and need a unique map region and map image created for them.