« on: November 28, 2018, 02:02:49 pm »
Maps:- Thornholt in PvP
- Adjusted maps bounds to a 6x6 grid
- New cloud layout for PvP
- 2v2 through 4v4 Deathmatch
- Brawl!
- Practice
- Ashen Brawl
- New PvP map. Larger, hotter, more spawns than ever! The largest 2v2v2v2 so far.
- Crown Gambit
Ships:- Stormbreaker
- Lateral drag increased, reducing side drift.
- Magnate
- Hitboxes adjusted (mostly reduced) to fit ship profile.
- Main engine lowered slightly.
- Spire
- Hitboxes substantially reduced to fit ship profile.
- Corsair
- Forward acceleration: 5 (from 8)
- Forward speed: 35 (from 30)
- Turn acceleration: 8 (from 10)
- Turn speed: 12 (from 10)
- Left light gun arc: 55° (from 75)
- Heavy engines rotated 90° and moved out slightly. This gives 0.22 more turn acceleration, reduces engine hitbox vertical profile by 38%, and allows repairs from further in.
- Reduced mass width (inertial bounds) to increase the effectiveness of turning engines. This allows the same amount of force to turn the ship faster without changing total mass. This will also make the ship more vulnerable to force attacks like Minotaur and getting bumped by other ships.
- Shrike
- Adjusted engine force and inertial bounds.
- Heavy turning engines (x2): 225000 (from 144500)
- Light main engine: 300000 (from 461000)
- 750000 total forward thrust (10m/s2)
- These changes do not change total forward or turn acceleration. However, with more force in the heavy turning engines, the Shrike will no longer be able to turn while maintaining nearly full forward acceleration and speed.
PvE Balance- AI type A ships (forward attack)
The AI_A ships had widely varied stats, making some factions much easier or harder to fight against. Adjusted stats to unify the ships. There will still be some small variation in engine power and acceleration. - Approximate new stats:
- Accel: 4
- Speed: 47
- Turn accel: 8
- Turn speed: 14
- Vert accel: currently 4
- Vert speed: currently 11.34
- Mass: 200t (varied between 75 and 330t)
- Front gun: 1 - forward
- Side guns: 2 - 45° (varied between 40 and 60)
- AI Gatling:
- Range: 450m (from 600)
- Ammo: 50
- Velocity: 700
All other stats are the same as the player Gatling. Damage changes based on difficulty.
- AI Mortar
- Range: 400m (from 800)
- Velocity: 125m/s (from 250)
- Side arcs: 60° (from 80) mortars need more arc on AI ships due to gun angles of 45deg. While facing forward, both mortars will be able to fire. Moving 15deg to one side or the other will now prevent one from tracking.
- Up arc: 30° (from 60)
- Down arc: 50° (from 60)
- Ammo: 6
All other stats are the same as the player Mortar. Damage changes based on difficulty.
- Yeshan boss ship
- Adjusted to have similar mass and mobility as the other boss ships.
Seasonal:- Removed ‘spooky’ AI skins
- Disabled fireworks
« Last Edit: January 02, 2019, 01:23:47 pm by Inkjet »
