Author Topic: Fjord Baronies  (Read 89379 times)

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #60 on: January 12, 2015, 02:27:09 pm »
The Mobula is guild.

The Spire is baronies.

Really? The notes on it says its a party boat for royal people.

The notes more specifically say that it was commissioned by a Vastness princess. The Vastness is the area to the south end of the map occupied by the Mercantile Guild.

Offline aceofeagles

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2015, 12:44:54 pm »
*jumpscares into conversation*


Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2015, 12:04:29 am »
Most Baronies are a tiered structure, of various noble families of various ranks: kings above barons above counts etc. in some of the lore it says they have a king, but because tis called the baronies rather than the kingdom, you have to assume the king is not an extremely powerful one, likely he has some power, but not enough to force all the noble houses to kowtow to him.
My theory on the subject would be that the king has enough power to reward the various barons if they please him, and enough to punish a house if it displeased him, but not enough to TAKE all the power by force. given that they baronies are a military force int eh region, and aggressive, it would make sense that additional power brought about by military victories is good enough for the king that he would reward any house that performed well in battle.  think Landstraad from dune: all the houses are competing to earn favor, but the king cant conquer them ALL, because together they are too powerful. so each house tries to gain power under the rule of the king.
that's how i imagine the fjord baronies would operate in terms of internal and external relationships. some houses are more beligerant because they are always repelling the angleans to the west, in the east, the chaledonians and south, the mercantile guilds would bring valuable resources into the baronies via trade, and so their power comes from diplomacy. despite all of the houses owing allegiance to the king, they have their own areas of power

Offline Carn

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2015, 10:57:15 am »
Good comparison Helios. I would also like to mention conflict with Yesha. Both the Empire and the Baronies are heavily militaristic expansionists.

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #64 on: October 01, 2015, 05:08:04 pm »
by now i don't doubt that most of the factions with militaristic tenancies, and their neighbors (so fairly everyone at this point?) are pretty happy to stick their fingers in each others eyes when they can, i bet the king of the fjord baronies would LOVE to hear one of his barons had stuck it to a yeshan outpost, or raided a yeshan trading convoy. or destroyed or repelled a anglean raiding expedition. or secured a trade agreement with the chaledonians for higher quality foods or exotic hardwoods or something. all the baronies also have to keep their people safe so they are prosperous enough to feed and pay the crews of their airships (not to mention the baron's tithe to the high king.) 
One of the things in the video, lo these many moons ago, is that the fjord baronies retain the 'lost honor' of a past age. does this mean to you as well that the barons, for all their scheming against each other, really are loyal to the king, and really are genuinely concerned about their subjects, in keeping their feifdoms safe from anglean attacks, from starvation, etc?
another thing: i saw a map with the territories drawn out, with clear borders. there is a huge area in the center of the map that despite the arashi being labeled int eh bottom left of the map, control most f the central desert, we know for example they control Nalm, and it stands to reason that most of the desert areas through the center and bottom left of the map would be controlled by the only people who can survive in that bleak landscape.  So it stands to reason that either the yeshans and the baronies don't interact much because the arashi are between them, or the arashi don't have enough for the baronies or the yeshans to want their territory, and therefore just fly right over the arashi to pick fights with each other, and the arashi pick over the scraps of these larger scale battles.
as for the right/bottom of the map, i would think that the chaledonians and the mercantile guild would favor peace over conflict,as the ecology and trade are some of the first to seriously suffer when peace is shattered.

Offline Alexander MV

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #65 on: December 28, 2015, 10:12:52 pm »
in some of the lore it says they have a king, but because tis called the baronies rather than the kingdom, you have to assume the king is not an extremely powerful one, likely he has some power, but not enough to force all the noble houses to kowtow to him.

In Skyrim, all the Jarls meet and elect one of their own to be the primary ruler for a term, but it all still remains a confederacy. Perhaps the Baronies' ruling structure could work like that.

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2015, 12:48:24 pm »
that's very probably what happens, it makes a lot of sense, i like it

Offline TimTim LaBaguette

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #67 on: April 08, 2016, 04:54:43 am »
My friends and I play for the Fjord Baronies in Alliance mode on the dev app, but we really wanted to see the boss ship for ourselves. We joined another faction, and I took some messy screens. THIS SHIP IS MASSIVELY BEAUTIFUL.

Here goes the Fjord Baronies Carrier :

This ship looks like a friggin city, and I'd happily live in it, DAMN !

Offline The Mann

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #68 on: April 08, 2016, 05:56:53 am »
I found the Chaladonian Boss Ship last week... It killed me instantly and then vanished from the map... I have not found it since  :'(

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #69 on: April 08, 2016, 11:28:34 pm »
the merc guild one has a apollo on the front and it curbstomps you unless you chem your WHOLE ship

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2016, 05:29:12 pm »
so i wrote this a while back when i realized that the fjordlanders didn't have a faction spotlight, so i scraped together as much lore as i could find and wrote one that i thought woudl be at least pretty close to the canon, and sent it in to muse, but nothing happened with it, so here it is for the consideration of the larger public:

Fjord Baronies
Symbol: Raven
Colors: purple and white
Ship Prefix: RBA (Regimental Barony Airship)
Territories: Chattering Fjords
Capital: Lord’s Leap

None is Higher than King Gregor. While his barons vie for favor and power, they do so only because they are equals: none would dare disobedience or cowardice in their duties to the king. Every baron has him or herself  a powerful family: every house and noble descended from the generals and captains of an army from ages long past, but maintained by the unflinching loyalty to their king, and to their duties to their people.
Every person has their duty: the farmer to the land, the sailor to the sea, the Regiment to the wind. This loyalty to their work and to their captains and to their lords has helped the baronies survive through the collapse of the old world in a part of the world that is running out of space for everyone.
The unblanching loyalty in every breast of the baronies has led to a military designed with that fearlessness and discipline put first. the massive broadsides of the barony ships deafen almost as much as they destroy. With their massive broadsides, they can engage and destroy even the largest ships. never slowing or flinching, the ships’ crews work on and never fear as the enemy fire fills the air. Then their own broadsides answer, and the world goes quiet again. without this unflappable courage and discipline, the baronies would fall.
Gregor works as hard. his work is to keep each of the powerful barons from being overlooked. with so many enemies without, and internal resource pressure within, he must be helping each to expand into more fertile lands, more fecund seas, keep the predation from the west and north to a minimum. in short: to maintain.  Each baron has his own flotilla, a part of the larger regimental fleet, who patrol and protect the people under his feudal protection. Maintaining and crewing these ships are their responsibilities, and the larger baronies might have so many to be able to protect huge areas.
With people arriving and swearing fealty to the barons every day, the population boom has forced the baronies to swell, and the king to look outward at the rich lands around the chattering fjords eagerly.

Offline TimTim LaBaguette

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2016, 06:41:13 am »
Very good piece of text, satisfying my hunger ( for now ) for more info on the Baronies. How many barons are there though ? Enough that not everyone of them would be known or just a few of them whose names would be known to everyone ?

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2016, 05:50:39 pm »
there are probably a fair number, but we don't have any idea. if i had to guess it would be fewer than the number of cities, by the very nature of how feudalism usually works

Offline TimTim LaBaguette

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #73 on: April 13, 2016, 05:16:24 am »
So around 12 + the king/queen basically. It seems few enough that Muse could eventually release a small profile for all of them so we know who to pledge fealty to as a proud Fjordlander.

Offline Helios.

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Re: Fjord Baronies
« Reply #74 on: April 17, 2016, 04:01:02 am »
i would think the king ruled the capital, but basically yeah