Author Topic: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.  (Read 15486 times)

Offline Long Max

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Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« on: September 02, 2017, 10:31:10 am »
Don't tell me i can take it anytime when i want now, it lie. And it not only about spotting with full AI or slow crew, when you need ask ten time for spot single ship after you see it. Sometime as pilot i really want see what happens far away from me, in sniper battle or when engage big fight after respawn. Game allow to have a lot of information from observe, without huge HUD bar over enemy ship. Do enemy ship hull have hard damage, do his balloon or guns good or broken, do it point to me or away from me, what really enemy ships do an what ally ships do. But pilot, who don't have spyglass and gun zoom often can see only mark on enemy ship and it on map. Need one more slot in pilot tools for spyglass(or rangefinder) only. It don't ruin balanse, don't need big changes, but make game more comfortable.

Offline GurasOguras

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 11:47:18 am »
This game has many issues, but this is not one of them. If it really bothers you that much then give up one of your helm tools.

Map provides exact position, distance and facing of the opponent. Paying attention to logs will allow you to determine whether the important guns are disabled. Permahull and hull status are clearly visible as long as you have direct vision. If you're that much dissatisfied with your performance and available resources then find a way around it instead of whining.

What I'm trying to say is that true vets count grids on map and jotts on guns to aim instead of using rangefinder, count hits on component to know when to chemspray instead of bringing extinguisher and so on.

Class and tools which you bring into the match are like your own customized deck of cards - is up to you to decide what will be more useful or needed and what can you live without and sacrifice in order to gain other benefits.

So... Will you take spyglass on that slot or perhaps use your own skills and play with damage log as a tool?

But well to be honest spyglass is a terrible example because you can always ask your crew. So just git gud and learn to communicate :p

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2017, 11:37:26 am »
The captain can mark ships (what's the default key?) and it functions like spyglass. Maybe the duration could be increased, but I haven't noticed it being an issue except for all-AI

Spotting is an important crew job - the Gunner's top priority is spotting ships. Politely remind them in match. Yes, sometimes crew won't spot but that's a communication/teamwork issue
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 11:54:06 am by BlackenedPies »

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2017, 07:47:11 pm »
The whole draw of Guns for me is that no one person has the full picture. One crew member has a distinctly different role and slice of perception than any other. It's entirely normal for a pilot to ask their crew what's going on underneath them, or for an engie to ask if they're ready to shoot while they're running around repairing. That's the point.

The entire class model is built around the simple concept of having three tools of your own class and one each of the two remaining. This is not something that should be designed over/around just because it's more comfortable. Considering that the pilot already gets three of those tools, and additionally has a captain-spot feature that no other class has a parallel for, I believe this suggestion is completely out of place.

The simplest suggestion if you want to have a spyglass? Bring a spyglass. There's nothing stopping you.

Thinking about it now, I'd actually be more willing to suggest additional "spot" features for the other two classes that behaves like a captain spot, but relates to their specific role: say, a "prioritize this repair" highlight for engineers to tag components they can't reach readily (while voice commands already achieve this, the issue is that I have to stop rebuilding the hull to ask people to help me rebuild the hull). This would bring the number of utilities closer to what the pilot already has at their disposal. I do not think this is a big enough deal, but it's a thought that your suggestion catalyzed in me.

It seems to be a consistent theme on this board to over-complicate the pilot position or to give it preferential treatment when suggesting features. Just something to think about.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 07:52:49 pm by Corporal Ravioli »

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2017, 02:02:52 am »
I would like the pilot spot to last longer. That is about it.

Offline Rareform K. Rozhkov

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2017, 08:46:11 am »
I would like the pilot spot to last longer. That is about it.

Offline Long Max

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2017, 02:34:31 pm »
Do i really need explain what stopping me from take spyglass as third pilot tools?  You try look smart with it? You can count jotts as much as you want and shoot the white bar on enemy ship, because hades gun model cover half of screen. This part of forum exist to improve some thing? You see dogma in three pilot tools, i see this pilot tools is mix of helm tools and optic tools. And some of this "pilot" tools never used by pilots. Mix of tool for make better piloting and basic spotting ability. Can we divide this things?
Captain mark is another tool for another job, for coordinate target  ship for crew and ally. 10 second is enough fo this. You want make it better surrogate for spyglass, for what if we can have true spyglass. Have you ever tried to target only on captain mark when an enemy ship passes under your ship?
Situation, all crew of mobula shoot enemy ship and have tunnel vision on it. Pilot free from this and he see another unspotted enemy ship. He set mark on it and say to crew, lads spot this when you can, but goddamn keep shooting you current target, this mark is just  way how i can show you where is it. Logic? Pilot on ship however have good field of view, surprise? But without zoom he have some problem to found enemy ship on distance. Logic? If pilot have spyglass, it make crewmember spotting no more necessary? You don't want for somebody will watch your back, on Judgment for example?
In Paritan Rumble i cant see not moving galleon witout zoom in 1000 m on fon of building. It performance or part of gameplay? Ok, just call me blind. We have night map now, thing what you can see best - white dot of sprayed component. On Dawn between all scrap and clouds, sometime i don't see is spotted ship in cover or not. Or what part of it. Spot just can hold on ship, if ally have line of vision. "Permahull and hull status are clearly visible as long as you have direct vision.", ok enemy pyramidion point direct on you in 1500 m, do you see permahull clear without zoom? Good for you. Spyglass really not only abour spotting.

Offline Rareform K. Rozhkov

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2017, 07:05:35 pm »
i thought this was a satire post now im confused...

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: Additional slot for spyglass only in pilot tools.
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2017, 10:26:52 am »
The way to defer spotting an enemy ship while your crew is busy and you are the pilot is as follows, you say "Contact, pyramidion, 400m, port bow, below, facing, closing"

Then your crew know where it is, what it looks like and can spot it when they need to.