This is a follow up and successor to the
#AmmotudeAdjustment - BURST ammunition proposals thread. The proposals come from participants in the
Skype group, and users on the forum
Players indicated they don’t agree with removing the +20% clip effect of burst ammo, which would stop its use in every gun except Artemis and Hwatcha – the two guns which were the main subject of the proposed burst nerf. The increased clip gives it use on guns which only marginally benefit from increased AoE, including Hflak, Lflak, and Lumberjack
There’s a couple options: reduce AoE (which only significantly affects Artemis and Hwatcha), or directly nerf Artemis and/or Hwatcha. The Burst AoE value would need to be +30% or lower to have a noticeable effect
Hwatcha AoE is 14m and Artemis 2.5m. Along with the upcoming heavy clip change (removing the -25% clip reduction), it may make sense to look at balancing the Hwatcha. Options for this include increasing jitter or reducing the burst radius. Increasing jitter reduces effect burst range, and reduced burst radius affects both burst and heavy clip. Balancing Artemis is more tricky as there's only one main ammo for it, but one option is simply reducing damage
What do you think? Should burst ammo be changed, or is the underlying issue the Artemis and Hwatcha? What stats would you change?