There are dev games if you are interested. You get a free item if you win. However, dev games are pretty contrived, and I don't think that is exactly what you mean.
Indeed not. Even in dev games, the devs generally stick on the same ship, all together. They should be spreading out and actually
playing with their players. But it is nice to attend, complain to them, pretend they are listening, and then win a prize.
Honestly, I find it incredibly frustrating that the devs, during the dev game,
value the stream more than the gameplay. Newsflash: nobody cares about the banter, and
barely anybody watches the dev game stream. More people are playing than watching, yet Muse values the
stream more than the gameplay and teamwork. Viewers (and players, for that matter) want to see
how your game works and
how you play it. But you don't give them that. This is the same problem with all of the "famous" YouTube streamers. The devs are guilty of the same behavior, in a way. And I've been bitching about it for ... ever, to no avail. And as the lobby said today...

Lemme zoom in for ya...

And I didn't even ask him to say that

Many of my prophecies have come true. Many more will. But how much time will be wasted in the interim? Will we survive?
Little secret, though. Come closer....
Closer......... Devs are not very good at the game. shhhhhh. Don't tell them I said that.
Fixed. Because that's what this thread is all about: Muse needs to get #InTheTrenches if they are ever going to allow this game to realize its potential and flourish. I kickstarted Alliance years ago, but I doubt Alliance will save this game.
To address Keyvias' question of what I would change tomorrow if I could... If I had to choose ONE THING... I would
INSTANTANEOUSLY #AdaptTheMaps because it
WOULD TAKE AN HOUR. I have been begging Muse weekly
at least since May of 2016. There is literally
NO REASON these maps are not in the game right now:
Fight over Firnfeld 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Northern Fjords 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Water Hazard 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Clash at Blackcliff 3 vs. 3 VIP
Labyrinth 3 vs. 3 King of the Hill
Battle for the Ball 3 vs. 3 Death Match ("Graveyard" as a possible name)
Battle for the Ball 4 vs. 4 Death Match ("Graveyard" as a possible name)
literally no reason not to include them? We already have variations of them in other game modes. Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you? Do, or do not. There is no try, Muse. And you choose to
do not. I've also asked for these maps, but Muse could claim they aren't capable of handling 4 vs. 4:
Canyon Ambush 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Canyon Ambush 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Canyon Ambush 4 vs. 4 VIP
Clash at Blackcliff 4 vs. 4 Death Match
Clash at Blackcliff 4 vs. 4 VIP
But I wouldn't believe that claim. Canyon, for example, is a massive map with blocked off left/right edges, completely perfect for 4 vs. 4. It would be the
god damn most amazing map in the game, beating Breach (which is universally loved, #YoureWelcome). The problem with decreased performance
falls on the ships. The Spire and Galleon need optimized. When Chaos Skirmish does matches with 8 Galleons or 8 Spires, there is a noticeable drop in performance. We aren't doing anything to break the game, simply playing it.
Gah. I'm frustrated. Time to wrap this up. The long version of how I'd fix Skirmish and therefore grow the playerbase can be found
here, but here's the short version:
#InTheTrenches (Muse, play your game, dammit)
#NerfGreased (Too common)
#NerfBurst (Too common)
#RestoreLoch (Too powerful in Gatling and
nobody asked for this change)
#ChangeCharged (Because it's used in, like, three guns)
#HowAboutAHowitzer (Because we want the Old Heavy Flak AND the New Heavy Flak. Oh wait, Eric/Awkm explicitly said in the dev chat that this would never happen and couldn't give us a good reason beyond artwork, which we didn't care about)
#AdaptTheMaps (Send your email petition
#SupersizeSpectate (Because why not, and so many have asked for it?)
#SkyballOverhaul (We're
so close to having good Skyball...)
#AuditTheSpawns (I said I'd do all the work, and have been ignored)
#LuckOfTheSpawn (Because Crazy King is so broken)
#TankSpire (
Maybe the numbers the community suggests will actually be used this time, instead of arbitrary changes with no explanation from a phantom menace)
Still waiting to hear from the art team about my suggestions for decal positioning. It was "forwarded" to the art team
three weeks ago.
Remember that time I submitted a voice pack to the workshop and it took Muse
over 11 months to tell Howard it existed, and then, after I begged him in the dev chat publicly, it was in the game
within a week?Remember that time I wrote a
5 chapter story about Andrakuz's novice piloting at the Chaos Skirmish and sent it to Muse? No response.
Remember that time I sent Muse a
curated list of 66 community suggested tool tips? Only a handful were used. And we never see them because matchmaker is the only time you see them. Sad.
Remember that time I sent Muse
11k words of Star Wars themed Alliance feedback? Here's the response I got from Ayetach (to clarify: I am not singling Ayetach out at all. On the contrary, he's a great dude. I'm just pointing out that nobody higher up ever gave me a serious or in-depth response after all that work):
This is a truly massive feedback and its pretty impressive how much work and thought you put into this.
That said, as much as we appreciate your amazing dedication to the game its also wise to consider a few things when giving us your constructive feedback:
Bullet points on separate ideas or issues really help us organize your thoughts internally, the Star Wars theme is certainly entertaining but makes its hard for people like me and Matt to wade through to, in the most minimalistic terms, the important points of each feedback you make.
Additionally it helps us if the pictures you include are limited to mainly what is necessary to convey certain issues or suggestions like screenshots in the game.
It has been a treat reading your Star Wars themed feedback and hopefully these tips will prove to assist you in helping us with your thoughts and ideas.
Thanks so much again!
Seriously? That's it?
¡Viva la Revolución!