I'm not 100% sure about being forced to stare at a map vote for a minute unless it ends early if everyone votes. I personally like the ability to talk about the match in lobby shortly after it ends. Maybe an option to return to lobby view after voting?
This was a concern expressed by the devs as well after they watched the video. The 57 seconds was just a random filler I made (you will note it repeats the countdown from 57 to 51. Timer Lorem Ipsum). I watched the end of a match with a timer, and it was 48 seconds from VICTORY/DEFEAT splash to loading into the lobby. Let's remove 8 seconds for the Victory screen. 'Vote passed' screen will no longer be a thing. So we have 40 seconds left before you see your new team, and another 60 seconds to vote for a map (which I would say most people miss). That is a total of 100 seconds before the map is picked. We need to figure out how long the typical map vote would take if it was 'in your face'.
Some people think the end screen takes too long all together for just stats and a rematch vote and just want to get to the next match. Some people have expressed the opposite and desire to look at their stats longer, so I may have a thought on that. And you have others like you that want to chat with your new team. I know I am one of those players that waits until I see the map choice before I even start deciding on a ship. I think I can come up with something. The map vote I made takes care of the first concern of stats and rematch vote taking too long. Stats people could have the option to access their stats while in lobby. In fact, that could be expanded quite a bit. Chatting with your new team is an issue that needs a workaround. I have a few ideas on that that I will have to ponder over.
All together, we are looking at a decrease of at least 40 seconds from end of match to lobby with map already voted (Adding 20 seconds to the current). Perhaps as much as 50 seconds, cutting wait time in half. And you get more maps to vote for.
As for Dunes being an awful map, I think if it had more cloud cover it would be better, but I think it's a healthy option to have. Maybe not so much in competitive unless they give people the option to vote or ban maps. Like Final Destination in Smash Bros.
That was a little joke to illustrate how quickly and noticeable a changing objectives ticker would be. Mission accomplished.

I wonder how many people noticed the 'second' Canyon map.

As for the chat, I did not add the visual, but it is still there, since it is the same 'vanishing' chat you have ingame and on the stats. You would have another 10-20 seconds of that. An option to see the next ship lineup might be in order as well.