Author Topic: --- Steel Meridian --- Update  (Read 14260 times)

Offline Red-Xiii

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    • Steel Meridian
--- Steel Meridian --- Update
« on: September 25, 2016, 02:35:50 pm »
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

Steel Meridian is based off the idea that we can be a tight knit online family even as we play games regardless of distance, color, race, religion, or sexual orientation. There is a level of comraderie that is achieved by a group that sticks together. We have mostly played Guns of Icarus Online together and if anyone knows that game it requires teamwork of the highest level to be a success and we try to bring that teamwork to all of our other games and inner clan activities. One thing we do not care about is your skill level. Anyone can learn to play a game. We care about your attitude, your willingness to get to know the group, and your ability to work with others and respect opponents and allies alike. We do not troll in game at all for any reason. Our age range is anywhere from 14-37 currently and will never be a requirement. Only how you handle yourself in a group situation matters. Everyone is friendly and willing to meet new people so give us a shot even if you are just curious.
This is not a monarchy. We have meetings once a month for fun and for organization where everyone brings up concerns or issues to talk about and then to vote. The whole group votes on new members and all clan issues. Any hierarchy in the clan is there for only major issues.


Website here:
Steam Group:
Discord on application

