Gravity was removed, because otherwise the Galleon was removed. The Galleon can't fight back against any ship when engaged in close range, such is the curse of the slowest accelerating ship in the game.
If you want to fight back against a Blenderfish then just bring a Mine Launcher or even buff the upward arcs of the Gatling 5 degree or so, so they can hit without Gunner stamina. What I fear would happen with more Gatling arcs though is that Gatling/Banshee would wreck the Blenderfish pretty much always and so the Fish would always have to go back up, reload Lochnagar and come back down with an instant balloon destruction just to go back up again. This would draw out fights massively and arguably make that ship entirely useless since it can never actually stay in the engagement, while its target happily continues fighting in it, kind of doing to the Blenderfish what it is supposed to do against other ships.
Also, Pyramidions are strong against Blenderfish. I once played against a Loch Gat and Banshee Pyramidion as a Blenderfish and I just couldn't do anything. That ship saw me, destroyed my armor instantly and then unleashed a full Banshee clip into it. In the meantime, my Carronade shot once with heavy clip.
Everybody wanted ships to have balloon health representing the actual size of their balloon, so some ships could stay in the air longer and it would make sense. But if every ship can stay up after that Lochnagar Carronade shot, well, why bring the Heavy Carronade and not just the Hwacha on the Goldfish again?
Hwachafish is also strong against a lot of ships, it is actually even stronger than the Blenderfish against every ship that isn't actually a Blenderfish. Heck it is so strong it even destroys most of the armor of 3 out of 7 ships with one clip. Blenderfish has problems against Pyramidions, which Hwachafish can handle rather easily one engine destruction and it is game over for it. Also regarding Mobula, my opinion is that Blenderfish doesn't actually work against it while Hwachafish is a counter to it. I will let you figure out why I think so.
To you fighting a Hwachafish might feel fair, but not to me. If my Fish' front and side guns get destroyed with my engines left heavily damaged while I am sitting at 400m away from the thing that is supposed to miss in long range because of its spread, then what do I do. What can I do? Run away, only for it to happen again? Or take Lochnagar Carronade and at least destroy the enemy's balloon so while I am disabled I at least have a fighting chance?
How about this balance suggestion for a change then: Remove the -100% spread from Lochnagar and put it back on Heavy Clip, then increase the time between shots while decreasing reload time to keep the dps the same. This would allow exactly what Atruejedi wants on the gun: A time window that allows for fighting back and Lochnagar doesn't one shot a balloon from maximum range again. This would also mean that the Hwacha's pre-buff values can be used again, since it was only buffed to allow for some long range viability after the Heavy Clip nerf. Everybody gets to be happy.
Also, it wouldn't make the Light Carronade too strong either, because with its current stats, it can't one-clip a balloon even with greased.