Author Topic: Chaos Skirmish this Saturday, September 3, 2016.  (Read 3968 times)

Offline Ayetach

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Chaos Skirmish this Saturday, September 3, 2016.
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:20:39 am »


Option 1:
Glass Cannon Support: This Spire is now the ultimate power in the wasteland... I suggest we use it. "Sir! Pyramidions approaching at full speed!" I think you overestimate their chances. You may fire when ready.

Option 2:
Flyswatter: As close to naval combat as you can get while airborne. Your fleet has a battleship and support frigates. Will you sail solo or travel together? All hands to battle stations!

Option 3:
Through the Fire and Flames: Some people just want to watch the world burn... fight fire with fire and pray your pilot can extinguish the flames before you're reduced to ash and ember!

Event Information:

You can find event information at this Steam Group page. Poll ends officially at 9:30 PM EDT.

If you have questions regarding this event they should be directed to Atruejedi, or you can contact to have them forwarded to the player.