Like in that other topics, my thoughts in a nutshell.
Goldfish :
With : nice to steear, the lone medium front weapon tends to push people to use the manticore, as it disables easily and its reload time let the steerer angle his side weapons quite effectively.
Against : interesting ennemy, the presence of the front gun makes for good and timely decisions when fighting it. Plus it's the ideal ship to counter engage when its attacking an ally
Pyramidion :
with : a simple but effective mechanic. The way the decks are made the side guns barely see use but that leaves place for some special weapons.
against : a bit annoying to fight, more lethal than a goldfish on average but the steering issue more than compensates
Galleon :
with : seldom used, a very "brick" feeling. Nice to manage to get those twin medium guns firing though.
against : once again interesting to fight, as it moves slowly and you really really want to engage it on bling angles.
with : I have a bad experience with this one. A huge firepower and less than enviable survability means you really need your crew to pucnh a pack very fast if you want to achieve something
against : a glass cannon, just hope they miss their shots, once chased, disabled, a really crunchy target.
with : the ship I do the most kills with, simply put a lethal weapon. Steering is quite sweet, you won't engage is crazy manoeuver most of the time. managing to keep the trifecta firing is a good feeling
against : the whole fire arc of this ship doesn't let much room for crazy tactics. You won't be disabled when engaging one but you may get hurt quite quickly. I really don't like attacking one with a lower range ship.
With : steering is a blast. I dunno if it's possigble to achieve two guns firing together. That means you must have something interesting as your "main gun" and it can difficult. I usually go with carnode, but against pyramidion, it feels utterly useless. lack of armor is fine balance wise, but that combined with the 4 engines being afar from each other can makes the enginners' life a hell.
against : can't say much. If some managed to blast your engines/baloon you're in for a long agony. Its an interesting foe anyway, the polar opposite of a galleon.
About the squid, I think the steering/armor is fine on itself. The engines positions are annoying for repairs and since speed is the weapon of the squid it's a relatively annoying issue. What I would appreciate most would be weapons arcs that cross a bit more. Like the front/side or back/side combos being available more often.