Author Topic: GoI Fan Fiction  (Read 96457 times)

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2016, 05:46:53 pm »

Ex-Mercantile Fleet, now a freelance tinker and mercenary.  6 feet tall, built lean and wiry.  Wears a pure white trenchcoat with god knows how many pockets lining the inside.  Heavily scarred face, and wears a newsboy's cap to cover his steel gray hair. Friendly, and always joking, but never one to make too many ties.  Carries a very, very, very large gun.

Excellent engineer that is always able to whip up a gadget to help with a given problem.

Offline Alan Breck Stewart

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2016, 11:38:54 am »
I guess I'll just go for it,

Captain Alan Stewart, Pilot of the Galleon class Iron Hurricane, 22nd squadron, Barony Air Navy

Elaborate backstory you may or may not give a crap about:

Alan is notably young for a captain, barely 24, and fresh out of the academy where he graduated in the top 10 of his class. Although it is very rare for the sons of commoners (he's a blacksmith's son) to receive a position there, Alan did so by the recommendation of a Baron for merits in battle as an enlisted engineer. At the age of 18 he was drafted to help man a mission against an organized piracy fleet. During the battle, the ship he was stationed on was ambushed and quickly disabled, in the chaos the pilot was injured, order was lost, and a boarding attack ensued. Alan overcame his first attacker, and after confiscating a sword, eliminated the entire boarding party one by one. With this critical breather, the first mate was able to take command and direct the ship to save the nearby Baron's flagship from a similar dilemma. The same Baron would later recommend Alan to the academy. Soon after graduating he was granted command of the Iron Hurricane and is currently serving as an active Captain in the Barony military.

Personal traits:

An excellent leader, known to be very effective at rallying any crew to perform as a tightly coordinated unit greater than the sum of the parts.
Rather taciturn and reserved, except when in command, when he reverses into a loud, boisterous commander.
Proficient at hand to hand combat, probably developed from a combination of school fight (he wasn't ever the biggest kid on the block) and personal curiosity.
Exemplary swordsman, possibly developed from being around swords often as his father was a well established bladesmith. The champion fencer of his officer class, his technical proficiency increased substantially during his academy years, especially footwork and point control. He often stops an oncoming attack with a calm stab to the opponents wrist.
Not a horrible shot with personal firearms but nothing that compares to some of the crack shots in the airship field.
His personality is best described as very military. He is loyal, organized, prudent, analytical, and trusting.
Has been rumored to have fun every now and then, but eyewitnesses are scarce.

Altogether medium build with a stern clean shaven face. Most often seen in the standard Barony Air Navy uniform, navy blue double breasted officer suit with white trim, matching bicorn, black knee high boots mirror shined,  sometimes with a long grey trench coat in cold or windy weather.

Ok, was that obnoxiously detailed enough? Yeah I'd like him to be a good guy, of course I would, but if you make him a villain I won't complain, it's not my story. He might make a good neutral or supporting character.

 It seems lots of characters have excellent sword abilities, maybe some opportunity there for a rivalry, maybe some friendly competition. I fence in real life so I'd be happy to answer swordfighting questions.

I'd draw a pic but that would take a while, maybe I'll add one later.

Offline Skymonger

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2016, 03:01:15 pm »
Alright I'll post my imagination as well. Considering how these other two ^ are pushing ahead as well.
So...meh TAKE IT ALL, (non sexually of course,)

-Tech Captain Kai Severastapole, pilot and engineer of the Spire class "Heaven's Nail"
Once part of the 65th Icelandic Raid Angels for the Anglean Republic.

Officially reported missing in action after an Avalance Buried him and 23 other ships during a raid in Firnfeld. Unofficially recruited into Angleans Black tech excavation program.

Backstory: Kai was born on the edge of the Anglean republic on the Outskirts of Tamblair. Supposedly he was born to a middle class engineer family and learned the basics of Tinkering and Old age technology at the age of 7.
Unfortunately any known records about him or his family were destroyed in a yeshan firebombing skirmish where he was reported running to the mountain town of Selenasgorsk just a few short miles away east of Tamblair.
Years later At the age of 14 or so, the town of Selenasgorsk was wiped off the map in a massive explosion.Except for Kai, no other survivors were reported. he was immediately apprehended by Anglean officials investigating the explosion and was recruited into the military after he destroyed two Anglean Corsairs  and encased 73 men in ice using an old world prototype weather engine.
Since then, he obediently served the 65th Raid Angels till he was buried in an avalanche at the age of 19.
He apparently survived and rescued survivors from other half buried ships during the Firnfeld burial and fended off two Baronite Ice patrols and a pirate attack over the course of three months. This lead him to be promoted into Angleas Black tech divisions when he was rescued
Since then, he has traveled among the frozen peaks of Anglea searching for relics of the past in his modified Spire. Offering his services and expertise to anyone needing a hand in mechanics.

Reported qualities:
Given how he is supported by Angleas top secret Technoguards, his official file can't be obtained and all known traits about him are from eyewitnesses of dubious quality.
-He apparently is a mute. According to the town of Hanat, the governor says that Kai was impaled by a frozen piece of metal in his throat and communicated to him via Paper and a strange Phonograph device in his throat.
-He uses Lost technology and wields the weather. The town of Athmor reports seeing him using Lightning with his hands and was seen scouring various ruins with a retinue of "Iron men" While this account might be questionable, a yeshan battle group was reportedly forced to retreat after being hit by a sudden blizzard surrounding a glowing spire.
-Inhuman marksmanship.
While this might be excused because of his access to Old world technology, a baronite Frigate and her escorts repeatively sent distress calls to any nearby fleet, reporting that "their crewmans heads were exploding" before going silent 20 minutes later.
Responders report the ships being looted and relatively undamaged. With only Mercury shells buried inside the captains faces. While we can't determine with certainty that this WAS Kai's work, a crewman was found beside the word "spire" written in his own blood can't be written off.

Once again, with only hearsay from eyewitness reports being our best source...
Kai travels the world in his 6 engined spire "The heaven's nail"  it supposedly has been modified to mount two battleship gun turrets from the old world, with other modified Armaments. And equipment somewhere within its inner workings.

He wears a Grey trench coat and hood as camouflage, has a metallic Eye patch with a glowing blue cross on it and is reported to not have a leg or arm. Apparently being replaced by Metal prosthetics.
Other accounts mention a third arm on his back, but no confirmation as of yet.

He also uses a massive 40mm scoped Cannon rifle and a c96 Mauser pistol whenever he must fight personally.

All information in the apprehension of this man and his supporters will greatly aid Baronies and Yeshan armies in their attacks against Anglea and we ask kindly that you do not divulge information on him for the sake of our security.

- The Anglean Skyguard.

There you go. That's my character.
This was more of a flex at my imagination than outright saying you should make a story with me in it. But y know. What ever works right?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 03:23:32 pm by Skymonger »

Offline C r o w

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2016, 04:54:08 am »
A month since the last chapter has passed, now I DEMAND the next!

Offline TimTim LaBaguette

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2016, 05:12:54 am »
I second that, I'm eager to read more !

Offline Alan Breck Stewart

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2016, 01:54:11 pm »
chill, writing is hard

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2016, 02:50:34 pm »

Ya wanna some quality writing? Shut yer trap and develop some patience.

Offline TimTim LaBaguette

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2016, 05:00:58 pm »
We just want an update

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2016, 01:53:36 pm »
Ah. Ok, I misunderstood. My bad, I'm sorry.

Yeeeaaaah, an update, even short "Working on it" might be a nice idea.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2016, 09:35:36 am »
So I guess the idea fucking died and is rotting in it's shallow grave.


Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2016, 08:07:08 am »

OP here.

As a full time working professional it's really hard to get ideas down with my writing partner, and get things moving. We have the first chapter as a WIP and I'd be happy to release chapter 2 once we're happy with it.
It does often seem like it's died in the dirt, but that's simply because we run through so much, scrap it all, and have problems meeting up. I'm in charge of main story drive whereas the other member is in charge of background and lore building, seeing as it's an entirely "Accepted Lore" that we'#re working on we're applying some artistic license to try and get more balance and culture in the mix to create a more vibrant and harsh world.

Please please, continue to submit characters, as we love to read them, and will try to get them into the story as much as we can, pending availability and suitability to plot device.

Once again, the story is a WIP and is constantly being developed.

Thank you all so much for interest and support, and we hope to catch you all soon!!!


Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2016, 08:16:13 am »

Here is the link for the WIP Chapter 2.

Again please keep in mind we are working on it. We appreciate any help and support along the way!


Offline Huskarr

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #42 on: August 25, 2016, 01:27:08 pm »
YAAAY thanks for actually continuing this after a lot of us thought it died. :)

Offline twiddlesworth

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2016, 04:22:08 pm »
Hi guys other writer here making an appearance. apologies for the dearth of content, we were working on it whilst living together, then we weren't living together for like a year. now we're living together again so work continues.

as mentioned I'm in charge of lore and general plot, got any questions about our vision for the world just ask

Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2016, 10:51:26 am »
New Chapter development. Just to show an idea of how the world we're building is a little different. Also to give more of an idea of where the story is going. It's also about a quarter of the way through the story itself. So it does jump a little.

A long corridor gives way to a massive cavernous room. The walls filled with shelving which in turn were filled with books. The Guildern Library smelled of leather, old manuscript and a strange stale smell mixed with the perfumed air. The dust particles hung in the shining sunbeams, creating intricate patterns throughout the mosaic glass. The sound of shuffling echoing throughout the cavern. Pages turned, slow footsteps, general muttering and light scribbling made up the delicate cacophony in the library.  A small man in dark robes notices Jim by the door and displays a slight smiles before beckoning him over. He draws open a large book by the desk and readies a quill. his voice deep and enthusiastic.
"Master Campbell, how can we assist you today? More on the history of the Icarus perhaps? Supposed Memoirs of Gabriel? Or perhaps a little more research on the history of the Titans?"
Jim smiled and shook his head,  "Something a little more dour I'm afraid. Do you have anything on the Red Death?"
The smile quickly soured on the librarians face,  and he recapped his quill. Jim thought he tapped a sensitive subject.
"There's nothing on that I'm afraid. We've scoured the archives and our scholars have travelled the entire continent looking for information."
"Nothing. Not a damn thing. It's been the top priority ever since its return over the last few years. All we know is the symptoms,  the sickness and the end result. No treatments,  no medicine,  only quarantine and death. I assume you've been the one tasked with the retrieval of this miracle worker?"
Jim nodded, "Yeah,  they want my flotilla to retrieve him. They're sending two others as a show of force but it rests with us."
"I see. Well I understand you're moving to Cathedral to find his contact. Does he want to be found?"
"I assume so,  that's why he reached out to the church." Jim noted the genuine interest of the Master Librarian.
"Looking to encounter much resistance? Anyone in particular you're looking to avoid?"
Jim thought about the various nations and the tactics each one employs. His mind raced straight to one with a slight tweak of fear in his spine.
"The Chaladonians." he remarked.
The Librarian was strangely delighted with this answer, and his smile returned.
"Ah yes, the heavily armoured Inquisitors! The shield walls, the ancient piety,  zeal and religious fervour,  the honour of one on one combat and the constant knowledge that your fight is the right one!"
"You seem to be more than interested in the Chaladonians"
The old man smiled unabashed by his interest. He turns and draws a small piece of manuscript from the shelf behind him, and points to one of the notes.
An account of the White Dukedom, from the Great War to the War of the Fjords, by Magnus Hall.
"Is that you?"
"Yes. It's the scripture that allowed me access to the Library in the first place. The former Master Librarian was impressed and commissioned it as a full work."
"Where's the White Dukedom?" Jim asked, slightly confused.
"The White Dukedom was at war with the Mountain Compact, and after the war they all found themselves believing they fought the war for different reasons. Most of the nation assumed they fought because they were trying to expand the Dukedom, soldiers were trying to prove themselves as knights to claim new land and try and start a fortune. The rest assumed they were fighting for the glory of their religion. The Order of Chaladon was formed by Duke Chaladon, and he instated a religious institution which stands to this day. They don't believe in a deity, but rather a unique presence that watches over everything."
"So the Baronies were unhappy with this."
"Indeed. They saw this as a rebellion, and as the religious moved to the East to form this new Order, the less religious moved West to maintain the secular senate. After the failed negotiation, war eventually ignited, and that's why the conflict is still raging to this day."
Jim took a moment to process, and grunted in acknowledgement.
"After all my experience with both nations, I never once found someone who knew why they were really fighting."
"Internal propaganda makes sure they just know who the enemy is, not why they are the enemy."
"Oddly prophetic from a secular scholar."
Magnus liked that, smirked a little and gave a slight wink.
"So what's your plan for the meeting?"
Jim took a walk to the bay window at the side of the library, Magnus by his side. He took a long look at the desert meeting the ocean in the distance, and the high walls of the city.
"I'll dismount and meet him in one of the outlying district. I'll send in Gaige to make contact, and to arrange a proper meeting with myself and my council. Then we'll make an arrangement, and we'll bring him back here."
"Is that what you think is right?"
"I'm paid to do a job"
A slight dissatisfied grunt was Magnus' response.
"Master Campbell, you'll never be overly successful if you just follow. Even as your own commander, you're still under the command of another. "
"Well I'm a mercenary right now, I can choose my own boss and turn down jobs, that's all I can do for the moment."
"Take a moment when you're finished this assignment. I feel this will either make or break you, and potentially lead to a new age in technology."
"Thank you,scholar."
Jim nodded and left Magnus to his work again, leaving the corridor and walking back outside to the fresher air of Vyshtorg. He took a deep breath letting the cool air fill his lungs before reaching into his jacket for his pipe and tobacco. Looking over the railing of the staircase back down to the city he was overlooking the market district, and could see the airdock several blocks down and could make out a few of the ships in his flotilla. He took some of the tobacco and rolled it into a small but loose clump before slotting it into the pipe. He lit the match against the railing and ignited the tobacco before taking a small puff and exhaling through his nose. The aromatic smoke ran around his jacket, into his collar and throughout the space around him.
A set of footsteps behind him announced the presence of another.
Jim turned and saw Swallow making her way towards him, eyes slightly unfocused and breath hinting of moonshine.
"Not a damn thing. Mostly another lecture and some smoke about the Chaladons and Baronies."
"Shame" She steps towards him and takes his pipe, taking a quick puff and handing it back.
"Looks like we're going to have to do this the way the Guild want it."
Jim takes one long draw and turns, his cloak whirling behind him, and Swallow following beside.
"Maybe something will come up when we get there"
"The way I think, everyone knows where this guy is, so we need to make sure we're the first ones there. Otherwise it'll be a scramble, and it might get violent."