Author Topic: GoI Fan Fiction  (Read 95224 times)

Offline James Campbell

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GoI Fan Fiction
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:43:07 am »
Hey guys.

A few months ago I posted about how I was writing a short novella based on the lore of GoI.

Something I'd love to do is get actual Character and ship name Ideas from the community, and use them as people of interest in my story.
I already have a few ideas based on characters I've met in the game, as well as a few original creations.
The lead character is my own character Jim Campbell, and I have a few other ideas for characters, but what I'd love is to put your character in the game, and if it suits what I want, you can even create his personality. I plan to use at least twelve pilots in his small fleet, with nine of them being community created. Simply name the character, state the name of his ship, the model, his piloting style and his attitude/ personality, and I can see if I can include him.
Here's the original post, as well as the basic layout of the story, minus any spoilers or plot twists. Which there will be!,6758.msg116133.html#msg116133

Offline Kamoba

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 12:35:36 pm »
Captain Kamoba, flying The Sky Slicer (Pyramidion armed with Gatling Artemis hades and flare.)

Brief back story:
Ex-Ryder having flown against the Mighty Fynx for a long time, Kamoba retired his Ryder mantle and joined the "Bards" for drinks, songs and shenanigans in the skies, doing merc work to pay for his new hobbies.

English accent, short temper and crazy, when not flying the Sky Slicer he pilots a Squid The Rusty Razor. Armed with mine launchers.

Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 03:32:53 pm »
Done, 3rd in command.
Might Die spectacularly

Offline C r o w

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 06:08:10 pm »
Captain Emil Ansager, flying the "Wish" (all hwacha Galleon).

Former Baronies high ranking officer, now a freelancer.

Tall, bearded, moustached, a total lunatic. When in need for speed he flies a double flak, double gat shrike (named "The Shriek").

Has a thing for sword combat and cursing at people in multiple languages.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 06:12:12 pm by Crow of Cainhurst »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2016, 03:16:47 am »
Done, 3rd in command.
Might Die spectacularly

Most of my characters tend to have dramatic over the top deaths at LARP. :) (Kaldaka, a wolf beast kin was once awarded "best death after a successful suicidal rescue mission to save his friend from a hiarde of undead! I succeeded in saving my friend and dieing.)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 06:29:41 am »
Hmmm, maybe I should begin rewriting Taken to The Skies (That pile of shite of mine).

Offline Huskarr

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 07:42:33 am »
Chief Engineer Huskarr.

He graduated from the Chaladonian Engineering academy with 16 and has travelled the world for the last two years (he's 18). He has spent a lot of time in The Arashi League where he learned to not repair by the book.

He is 1.73m tall and has a "puberty beard" as he calls it. It grows on his chin his mustach and the sideburns.  It's not much but he's proud of it. His hair is shoulder long and he ties up the top half. He usually wears a blue top with a pink scarf and a strange contraption on his back (i.e. boiler room outfit). He has many pockets and a massive tool belt for every situation he could imagine.

Character: He is a very shy and quiet person. Once he warms up to you he'll be a lot more open, but still an introvert,
often preferring the company of his engines over humans. He is a nice guy but he'll say his opinion when asked for it, which sometimes results in trouble for him. He is a little bit crazy and randomly meows sometimes and often mumbles to himself especially when thinking very hard (a great way to write how and what he is repairing). He also will without asking destroy the work of other engineers if he knows he can do better and has no trouble admitting his mistakes. And he uses sarcasm a lot.

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: -Engineering
-Potato salad the way his mother makes it
-flare guns which he affectionately calls Beca
-Anglean Automatons, the reason he wants to travel to Anglea and won't stop pestering Angleans.
-Water and tea (doesn't drink anything else)
-food in general

Dislikes: -Nobility
- arrogant pricks
-superficial people

Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 08:50:12 am »
Thanks guys!! All looks great so far! Keep an eye on the horizon, or PM me for a bit more info if you're really curious!!

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2016, 10:50:04 am »
She is a pilot known as Swallow, but some say that she should rather be called a Shrike, due to her... violent... tendencies.

She's a tall woman, in her late twenties.
Redhaired, with shoulder length hair.
Big, steel-grey, haunted eyes - her pupils shrink harshly when enraged.
Top hat, dust-raider outfit.
Huge scars on left side of her nose, going to left cheek, other two crossing her lips - effects of a pub brawl, when somebody mistook her general calmness, and made a disgraceful remark toward her being a pilot, and not a pubmaid. The brawl when erupted, ultimately took place in entire pub, destroying much of interior, but some time after, the guy was found at the back - impaled and maimed, and Swallow - drinking ale calmly at the bar, bruised, scarred, and bloody.

Nobody was asking questions.

When in between friends, she happens to be cheerful and outgoing, laughing at jokes in her warm alto, but in battle - focused, sharp, quiet, strict, disciplined. Though not exactly. Honestly, she's unpredictable, as she can go from 100% focus to 100% berserk in a matter of seconds. Her accent is unrecognizable, unless she gets consumed by rage, when she starts screaming insults with strong Irish accent, or shrieking terrifyingly. Otherwise, she's collected. She might be psychotic, but she is not insane. No matter what, she is a lady... right?

Once she flied a goldfish names Paragnomen, Carronade front, later swapped to hwacha. She used that ship for scouting and creating situations that would give her an upper hand - after careful positioning and surprising her foes, she preyed on victim's ship - or going close range, locking the helm to take out a handcannon from a holster and carefully taking out enemy crew, one by one.

That ship was shot down, but she managed to take the bastard down with her. The crew that came to rescue her, when people found out she did not return, found her reading a book among wreckage of two ships. These guys are reluctant to speak more of what they saw there, but some speculate about the slaughter that commenced after the crush-landing. What is known for sure, that she executed her main engineer that day.

Now she flies Void Mother, a captured Mobula, and switched tactics - now she provides long range support with her Hades, and Artemises. Though sometimes she's known to attack viciously from close range, ramming enemy ships.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 10:51:54 am by Schwalbe »

Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 09:48:29 am »
Absolutely wonderful on all ends.
Another thing I would like to ask people, is if possible to draw your charachter, or give an in depth visual guide on how they look. Some people have already done this, but if you're a budding artist, I'd like to keep things as close as possible to your character vision.

Thanks guys!! Keep em coming!

Anyone who doesn't make the final "Hero Team" will be added to either a pirate crew, or an antagonist vessel. It's a very character heavy story!!

Offline The Mann

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 01:52:21 pm »
A giant among mice.

Hailing from the northern settlement of Thuia in the Firnfelds. Was a man feared among the merchants and mercenaries travelling to the town.

Many mercenaries did not return as their target stood towering before them at a height of 200 centimetres - hiding within the shadows.

Upon stepping into the light, the Giants long raspberry coloured jacket, pink jumper and pink shaded goggles come into view. The most unusual aesthetics including a mighty-fine moustache and a top hat cradling two pink coloured explosives.

Upon declaring his allegiance to no one, he was forced into exile.

A man of leadership instead of control, he became an enemy. Many forgot his name - He forgot his own name in exile.

Only referred to as Man. People started to add an extra n to the end of wanted posters. This extra N has long been the topic of discussion within taverns. Some say it means Notorious. Others think it means Non-existent. The tall bloke sat in the shadows believes it is a sign - the direction he is heading.

Many things are unknown about the Mann. Some say he was a commander within the Yeshan Empire. Piloting the vanguard of the fleet - the Pyramidion. Others say was a Baronite - a man of royalty capable of piloting bizarre baronite vessels such as the Mobula. Few think Mann may be a former mercenary from the Arashi League - a speed demon with tremendous skill piloting Squids.

The lack of communication with the outside world drove him to insanity. He began laughing to himself maniacally. He would cover his engines in moonshine for an adrenaline boost. Without leaving a trace, the mad man travelled further north than ever documented before - in search of a new beginning.
Alas, no one can truly know unless finding him. The question is, Who?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 01:56:40 pm by The Mann »

Offline C r o w

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 04:02:55 pm »
''Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!'' is one of his battle one-liners.
''HELMSMAN! GET US TO RAMMING SPEED!'' is also very frequent.
He's the only idiot capable of bringing a sword to a gunfight and actually come out safe and sound.

Grinning, snarking, commenting, being very ironical, sarcastic, cynical and even downright annoying are his main hobbies.

Sucks at hand to hand combat, has a decent aim with guns, it's a wonderful swordsman.

Did I alrady say he is a miracle-maker in sword combat?

When in combat he stays all the time with the mask on.
When out he spends a lot of time stroking his moustache.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 04:04:46 pm by Crow of Cainhurst »

Offline James Campbell

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2016, 05:18:09 pm »
Unfortunately Crow I cannot take some of those lines. They;re from WarHammer 40k :D

I'll gladly use your character though!

Also the Mann, sounds good, but a bit of a "Mary Sue" character.
I can use some of his aspects, but he's a little too mysterious to use in a compelling narrative. If you have any other ideas or want to change anything, please keep them coming!

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2016, 05:54:55 pm »

Only with cold, steel-grey eyes, and more fiery hair.

Swallow's gun, as described in PM:

...only firing high-speed magnum rounds.

She is really good with her gun, she's also good at stealth.
Master tactician, when collected.

And I'd rather see her in a 'hero' team, than villanous one - consider it a challange.

Offline C r o w

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Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2016, 06:15:27 pm »
Unfortunately Crow I cannot take some of those lines. They;re from WarHammer 40k :D

Hey, as long there are crazy , very angry men, swords AND vehicles, the ''drive me closer'' phrase can be applied everywhere!

Still, np if you belive it is not fitting.

Is then yelling ''ramming speed'' legitimate?