Author Topic: Fisch's Thoughts/Suggestions.  (Read 5684 times)

Offline Hai Fisch

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Fisch's Thoughts/Suggestions.
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:36:32 am »
I loved this game from the first time I hit something with The Hammer Thingy.

Figured I'd stop by here and voice my opinion in light of Alliance coming. Sorry if any of this is already put there, I can't read...

Social UI
To my knowledge there is no "true mute". Block is mute but block is also block. And the word block implys that you're saying you want to be kept away from the player,  which is  excessive when your issue is they're hot mic'ing and eating Doritos... I then have to remember to clear my block list or risk screwing up the matchmaker/someone getting a " you've been blocked" message they don't deserve. Block has it's purpose but I think we need a mute that only turns off mic.

Being able to talk to clan chat from any chat with O would be neat..

Every now and then someone says something about making gunners useful, don't think it's possible ( They're so lazy...) But if it were I would suggest that rather alter the actual classes (giving them extra tools or whatever) instead do something crazy like invent a tool that is picked up from ship. What I think of is essentially a water bucket, pick it up from it's spot on ship, and can use once before having to return to its spot to get another, if you do anything, change tool, shoot gun, you have to get a new bucket, have it be hands down worse than exting (every ship would have one) only removes 10 fire stacks with like a 5 sec cooldown and little to no chem buff, if there's always a fire response it opens the door for riskier more creative crewing. Like more buff hammers or two gunners or what have you.

Pilots test, new pilots can be trouble outside of novice matches what if you had to take like a 10 question quiz for a pilots license. " which pair of guns have similar ranges?" "What is piercing damage good for?" " what's the drawback of blank helm tool?" Multiple choice and open book and all. It could better steer them to an understanding of what it takes to pilot.

Range Finder: The guide on it either doesn't work or doesn't make sense but the tools seems to be for helping lead shots SO, what if you pull out range finder and spot a ship ( like with tele) but instead it shows you yours and their pilots helm display (The Altimeter, throttle, and how hard  they're currently turning the wheel.) Until you lose sight/change targets?

This excites me, think it's a great idea. Personally I believe that most gamers have trouble seeing the awesome of GOIP because it requires a level of coordination and understanding of the game that most new players don't get to see before they move on to something else. With a PvE oriented mode allows more opportunity's to feel successful without being perfectly effective/coordinated which could better encourage players to learn/appreciate the game and thus more of them are more likely to stick around, I hope.

This is probably crazy but the thought keeps coming back, it would be freaking cool to fight a dragon with airships.

P.S. Pink Balloon Paint: Pretty sure it speaks for itself.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 08:57:07 am by Hai Fisch »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Fisch's Thoughts/Suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2016, 10:56:56 am »
How is muse going to market alliance?

Pay 10 dollars for pvp mode
Pay 10 dollars for pve mode
Or will they be combined? Hm...

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Fisch's Thoughts/Suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2016, 11:19:19 am »
There will be a combo deal for those without Skirmish